Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Egyptians, Russians show interest in NCZ

Egyptians, Russians show interest in NCZ
By Ndinawe Simpelwe
Tue 01 Feb. 2011, 04:01 CAT

BRADFORD Machila says Russian and Egyptian investors have expressed interest in partnering with the government in revamping the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia. In an interview, Machila, the Kafue parliamentarian, said the government was looking for long-term solutions to the problems that the company faced.

“We hope to have a long-term joint partnership under the PPP public private partnership. We have already received interest from partners in Egypt and Russia,” said Machila who is also livestock and fisheries minister.

He said the current focus was to ensure that the company continued to manufacture enough fertiliser for the farmers.

He expressed happiness that NCZ was able to live up to its contract of manufacturing 15,000 metric tonnes of Compound D fertiliser for this year’s farming season.

“We awarded NCZ to supply 15,000 metric tonnes of fertiliser for the first part of the farming season and we are glad they were able to manufacture enough for the farmers,” he said.

Machila said the government was also looking at the possibilities of manufacturing explosives that could be used by the mines.

He said business in the mines had grown and the demand for explosives had also risen up to 15 per cent.

“The demand for explosives has grown following the boom in the mines. We want to take this opportunity to manufacture explosives that would be supplied to the mines,” Machila said.

NCZ had been rocked with capital and operational problems, subsequently creating uncertainty as far as the future of the company and workers is concerned.

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