Sunday, April 03, 2011

Nalubamba guides on candidates

Nalubamba guides on candidates
By Edwin Mbulo
Sun 03 Apr. 2011, 04:01 CAT

ZAMBIANS need leaders who will not go into public office for selfish reasons, says senior chief Bright Nalubamba. And chief Nalubamba of the Ila people of Namwala in Southern Province has backed Col Panji Kaunda's support for Patriotic Front leader Michael Sata in this year's presidential elections.

In an interview, Nalubamba said people should not vote for a political party but for a character who is principled: “not somebody who is selfish and just out there to fill his or her tummy.”

“We need change, we need leaders who will not go in leadership for selfish reasons, the current crop of leaders are what the Tongas would term ‘Nchelelebula’ which means one who is selfish, one who wants to fill up their tummies while the majority of people wallowed in poverty,” chief Nalubamba said.

Chief Nalubamba said leaders were servants of the people and that they did not need to beat or kill the citizens.

“My desire, my wish as a villager is that we should not waste our votes anymore, let us vote for people who appreciate us,” chief Nalubamba said. “Let us bring about that change through the ballot and not through violence. Leaders should consult with the people on what they want and they should state if they were ready to meet those needs.”

He said nothing will stop the people from achieving the change they desire, with or without the pact.

Chief Nalubamba said despite the differences between the PF and UPND, the two main opposition parties should be united for change to take place.

“It is regrettable that the pact has come to an end but I hope the people’s hopes have not died with the death of the pact. There is need for a common ground for change, the breakup should not blind the two parties, however nothing will stop the people from achieving the change they desire,” chief Nalubamba said.

He said just like he has high hopes, the PF and UPND should stop attacking each other and instead respond to the expectations of the people for change.

Chief Nalubamba said the opposition needed to look at the change the people needed like Col Panji had done by indicating that despite being UPND, he would support and vote for the PF leader.

“The Panji way is the best, let us be courageous enough, if the PF and the UPND fielded 150 parliamentary candidates, people should not vote for a political party but for a character who is principled, not somebody who is selfish and just out there to fill his or her tummy,” he said.

Chief Nalubamba said people this year would not go to the polls for nothing but for change.

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