Tuesday, May 10, 2011

(HERALD) Anti-sanctions campaign surpasses target

Anti-sanctions campaign surpasses target
By Nobukhosi Fengu
Monday, 09 May 2011 21:18

THE anti-sanctions campaign launched by President Mugabe in March has gone exceptionally well with the target of two million signatures having been surpassed. Director of Urban Communication Services in the Ministry of Media, Information and Publicity, Retired Major Anywhere Mutambudzi, said more than 2,2 million people had signed the petition.

In the petition, people were expected to append their signatures and identification numbers to register their opposition to the illegal sanctions while demanding their immediate removal.

"The initial target of signatures to be collected was two million but so far, according to statistics compiled on 30 April, we have a record of 2 200 000 signatures nationwide," he said.

Rtd Maj Mutambudzi said the ministry had printed 2,8 million papers and signing was still in progress.

According to the statistics, Harare signed 340 000 forms, Bulawayo 82 240, Matabeleland South 94 724, Matabeleland North 89 739, Masvingo 216 000, Mashonaland West 231 919, Manicaland 182 950 Mashonaland East 307 651, Mashonaland Central 246 729 and Midlands 230 900.

Rtd Major Mutambudzi said there were 799 848 outstanding forms that were to be collected countrywide.

He said Government was expected to present the anti-sanctions signatures before the embassies' offices and the Sadc seeking resolutions to the widely discredited embargo. He, however, could not disclose the date of presentations.

"While no date has been set for the conclusion of the campaign, the petitions will be collated and the final figure submitted to Sadc for a resolution illustrating how the generality of Zimbabweans oppose sanctions.

"Sadc, which has already condemned the embargo will then be asked to take that resolution to the African Union (AU) which will in turn be expected to speak with one voice on the matter at the United Nations," said Rtd Major Mutambudzi.

He said the petition could also be used as a legal basis for Zimbabweans to sue the countries that have imposed the illegal sanctions.

He said the petition was an affirmation by Zimbabweans that they opposed the sanctions and they were not targeted.

Zanu-PF and the two MDC formations voluntarily concurred in Article IV of the Global Political Agreement to fight the embargo.

The parties, which form the inclusive Government, agreed that all forms of measures and sanctions against the country be lifted in order to facilitate a sustainable solution to the challenges facing the nation.

Britain and its allies imposed sanctions after Government acquired land owned by a few white commercial farmers and redistributed it to about 300 000 families.
The sanctions have impacted negatively on the economy of the country and are restrictive to international trade.

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