Tuesday, May 17, 2011

There’s nothing wrong with PVT - Finnish envoy

There’s nothing wrong with PVT - Finnish envoy
By Gift Chanda
Mon 16 May 2011, 11:00 CAT

Parallel vote tabulation (PVT) if managed well increases the transparency and credibility of elections, says Finland’s Ambassador Sinikka Antila.

In an interview, Ambassador Antila said all measures that increased and strengthened the transparency of the electoral process were good and added that there was nothing wrong with PVT if managed well.

“All measures that increase transparency increase also the credibility of the electoral process and democracy as a whole,” she said.
“PVT, if managed well and in a proper manner, increases the transparency and credibility of the elections.”

She called for issue-based and violence-free campaigns.

“Zambians have a reputation of being peaceful people. We hope that even these polls will be held in that peaceful, transparent, free and fair manner,” she said.

“We would like political party representatives to talk about issues. We would like to hear panel discussion, party leaders discussing how their parties are going to reach the Millennium Development goals (MDGs) on poverty, environment, and maternal mortality rate. This is something that is lacking.”

She said political party representatives and leaders also needed to explain to voters how they intended to increase the share of women participation in decision making to ensure Zambia achieved the SADC objection of having 50 per cent women in decision making positions.

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