Tuesday, September 06, 2011

(HERALD) Irrigated tobacco planting season begins

Irrigated tobacco planting season begins
Monday, 05 September 2011 02:00
Agriculture Reporter

FARMERS have started planting irrigated tobacco for the 2011-12 cropping season. Irrigated tobacco is planted from September 1 onwards. Agritex principal director, Mr Joseph Gondo confirmed that tobacco planting had started in many parts of the country.

"We do not have figures yet but I can confirm that most large-scale farmers have started planting with some still concentrating on land preparation while others are still tending their seedbeds," he said. Zimbabwe Tobacco Growers Association president, Mr Stan Kasukuwere, however, said some farmers were facing cash challenges. "Some growers may fail to meet their targeted hectarage because of financial challenges. Prices offered at the auction floors this season were so low that some farmers made huge losses and cannot afford inputs," he said.

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