Monday, October 24, 2011

It's lonely being Vice-President, says Scott

It's lonely being Vice-President, says Scott
By Habaalu in Chibombo
Mon 24 Oct. 2011, 11:00 CAT

DR Guy Scott says he is feeling lonely after being appointed Vice-President.
During the Kulamba Kubwalo traditional ceremony of the Lenje speaking people, Vice-President Scott said he decided to attend the event so that he does not lose touch with the people.

He said no matter how busy his schedules would be he would find time to meet people and listen to their concerns.

"The biggest danger that any successful politician faces is to lose touch with people that put him into power. After four weeks of being Vice-President I was feeling lonely. I was missing you so nazibwelesa chabe neeka (I have brought myself). I decided if anybody asks me what are you doing here, me I am a Lenje it's my country why shouldn't I come here? This is a Zambian cultural ceremony it's for me also," said Vice-President Scott.

He said he had traveled to Chibombo to see for himself that there was peace in which his government believed in.

"I came out to see you I am not lonely anymore. I have been in the bush now am going to stop hijacking these meetings and allow the President's representative, the minister to continue," he said.

He said Zambia had become the pride of Africa following the transition of power from the MMD to now the ruling PF.

He commended party officials for their sacrifice during the 2011 general elections and asked them to strengthen it.

"We have shamed Africa. We are the pride of Africa we hold elections and change Presidents we change our Vice-Presidents and we are still at peace. I was at a conference in Malawi and President Robert Mugabe was there and even he was moved to say that ‘this is what we need in Zimbabwe'. I will hold him at his word next year," he said.

And addressing party officials and members at the council chamber Vice-President Scott commended them for their sacrifice.
He said it was not easy to defeat the MMD that had pumped in colossal sums of money during the campaign.

"My heart lies with places that are struggling to be PF more than it is with those that are already PF. I admire the work you did it's not easy in a traditional MMD area and you have Bantubotatwe connections to that other party I've forgotten what it's called. It's not easy without money to do these things," he said.

On Agriculture Vice-President Scott said the first thing the government would do was to finish paying for maize supplied to FRA this month-end.

"If it doesn't happen you can go to my officials directly, they know my number so that we sort it out quickly.

The farming inputs under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) they are in place they will be distributed before the end of November. So those stories you were told that if PF wins there will be no fertilizer no buying of maize nibooza caabe (its falsehoods)," he said.

Meanwhile Vice-President Scott called Keembe parliamentarian Lieutenant General Ronnie Shikapwasha who was seemingly uneasy to walk to the podium and greet the crowd amid ululations.

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