Monday, November 28, 2011

Mwale ordered ministry to give Namulambe, Kabonde mining rights

Mwale ordered ministry to give Namulambe, Kabonde mining rights
By Chibaula Silwamba
Mon 28 Nov. 2011, 13:59 CAT

FORMER mines minister Maxwell Mwale instructed his ministry officials to favour fellow minister Gabriel Namulambe, then inspector general of police Francis Kabonde and former defence permanent secretary Nicholas Kwendakwema with mining rights contrary to the law.

According to his signed letter reference number MMMD/101/7/7 of December 21, 2010 to the director of mines and the Director of Geological Survey, Mwale ordered the two officials to give Namulambe, then minister of works and supply, mining rights for areas in Luapula and North/Western Provinces.

"RE: Instructions on processing applications for mining rights in government reserved areas. This serves to instruct you that applications received over areas recently reserved for government shall be processed as follows: (1) Applications received and registered in the priority register at anytime shall not have any priority; (2) Priority shall be assigned to government investment partners by my office in writing; (3) former LPL 7517 for Caledonia Nama must be processed in favour of Honourable Gabriel Namulambe under the following applications: (a) 15576-HQ-LPL and (b) 15577-HQ-LPL," Mwale stated.

"You will receive further similar allocation instructions for other government reserved areas."

According to sources, 15576-HQ-LPL is in Milenge District in Luapula Province while 15577-HQ-LPL is in Chavuma District in North/Western Province.

"The areas where the minister instructed that Mr Namulambe be given mining rights have deposits of copper, manganese, iron and silver," the source said.

In a memo dated June 29, 2011, Mwale instructed the director of mines and the director of geological survey to favour Kabonde, Dr Kwendakwema and others with mining rights in Mumbwa District, west of Lusaka, in Central Province.

"Subject: instructions on processing applications for mining rights over expired licences. This serves to instruct you that applications received over areas reserved for government shall be processed as follows: (1) applications received and registered in the priority register at anytime shall not have priority ; (2) priority shall be assigned to government investment partners by my office in writing; (3) area relinquished by

Metmin Limited no. 12997-HQ-LPL must be divided into four parts and processed in favour of Mr. Francis Kabonde, Micmar Investments, Kaima Farms and Quiman Enterprise," Mwale wrote.

"(4) the area under the expired licence for Albidon no. 8262-HQ-LPL must be divided into two parts and processed in favour of Axion Consultancy Limited(5) the area under the expired licence for Siziba no. 11903-HQ-LPL must be divided in three parts and processed in favour of Chiluku Enterprises Limited, Glanava Supplies & Services and Sepo Mining Company, (6) part of the area under the expired licence for Cellstop no. 10159-HQ-LPL must be processed in favour of Pedicle Investment and Dr N. Kwendakwema."

Mwale also directed that of the remainder areas under reserve, one should be allocated to Ngwezi Resources Limited.

Mwale's memo was copied to Ministry of Mines and minerals development permanent secretary and the head of the mining cadastre.

The permanent secretary's date stamp, acknowledging receipt of the memo, indicated July 28, 2011.

But in a July 22, 2011 memo to director of mines and the director of geological survey, Mwale notified the two officers about Kaima Farms' disinterest in the area it was allocated.

"Subject: Instructions on processing applications for mining rights over expired licences. The memo dated 29th June, 2011 on the said subject refers. Applicant Kaima Farms for the area relinquished by Metmin is not interested in the Mumbwa area and thus has withdrawn," stated Mwale, in a memo copied to Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development permanent secretary and the head of the mining cadastre.

A mining expert, who sought anonymity for fear of victimisation, said the Mumbwa area where Kabonde and others were allocated mining rights has deposits of gold, copper, uranium, manganese, cobalt, silver, iron and lead.

Mwale's instructions on persons and companies to be given mining rights were contrary to the law, according to the head of mining cadastre a Mr G Ndalama, who in his February 19, 2010 memo explained the normal procedure in the issuance of mining rights that depends on first-come first-serve basis.

"Processing a later application at the expense of earlier applications over the same area would be illegal. In this regard, I wish to advise that principles outlined at Section 12 of the Mines and Minerals Development Act in accepting and evaluating applications over reserved areas be adhered to," advised Ndalama.

Current mines minister Wylbur Simuusa has suspended the issuance of mining rights in a bid to root out corruption in the lucrative industry.

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