Monday, January 09, 2012

(LUSAKATIMES) Employees fear for their fertility after by being subjected to infra-red searches every day

Employees fear for their fertility after by being subjected to infra-red searches every day
TIME PUBLISHED - Sunday, January 8, 2012, 10:15 pm

EMPLOYEES at Kansanshi Mining Plc who are involved in the production of gold fear that their fertility could be affected by the rigorous infra-red searches they are subjected to every day.

The employees, who did not want to be named, said they are worried that their reproductive systems are under threat because of the unwarranted searches which expose them to radiation.

“We are subjected to searches almost every hour. There are always fears we can steal gold from the plant, so they search us several times,” one miner said.

They complained that even when miners go to answer the call of nature, they are exposed to an infra-red search on all parts of the body.

The workers, who have appealed to Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda to look into their plight, said some categories of workers are not searched or exposed to infra-red radiation.

The gold production unit is kept sacred and no dignitaries or government officials are allowed to tour it, one worker said.

And Government will soon carry out a labour audit on companies which have hired expatriates, to reconfirm the relevance of giving expatriates certain jobs, Labour, Youth and Sport Minister Fackson Shamenda said in Solwezi at the weekend.
The audit is aimed at establishing the qualifications and jobs that expatriates hold.

Mr Shamenda, Vice-President Guy Scott, Foreign Affairs Minister Chishimba Kambwili and Minister of Mines Wybur Simuusa were in Solwezi to ask miners at Kansanshi Mine to return to work after a wildcat strike.

The miners complained that there is a huge gap in conditions of service between them and expatriates.

“We will verify their qualifications and check if the qualifications and skills match,” he said.

Mr Shamenda said Zambia has many qualified professionals who can take up jobs that have been given to expatriates, especially in the mining industry.

HE said his ministry will soon set up a database of workers to ensure that only qualified expatriates are allowed to work in the country.

Mr Shamenda also said there are ‘very serious’ salary disparities between management and unionised workers in most companies in the country.

“The audit will ensure that expatriates doing jobs that Zambians can do are sent away to pave way for locals,” he said.

Mr Shamenda also said the ministry of labour will engage qualified Zambians, including those in the diaspora, to take up jobs that will be left by some expatriates who are not qualified.

He also said that government will not tolerate any investors abusing Zambian workers.

Mr Shamenda also bemoaned the high levels of casualisation of labour in mining companies, saying the Ministry of Labour will review labour laws to resolve the problem.

[Zambia Daily Mail]

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