Sunday, April 01, 2012

Barotseland activists insist on secession

Barotseland activists insist on secession
By Mwala Kalaluka
Sun 01 Apr. 2012, 13:00 CAT

BAROTSELAND Freedom Movement international relations secretary Shuwanga Shuwanga says Barotse people will proceed with their resolve for freedom just as they were brave enough to go ahead with the Barotse National Council.

And Mongu has been experiencing intermittent power supply from the time the BNC declared that Barotseland shall separate from Zambia during its last meeting held in Limulunga.

Ngambela Wainyae Sinyinda and Induna Mukulwakashiko were on Thursday afternoon warned and cautioned by Zambia Police officers on a treason charge related to sentiments made at the just-ended BNC.

But Shuwanga described police's action as "a terrorist act".

"This terrorist act by the state will only strengthen our resolve and also make us to move much faster on what we have decided on. We are united behind our leaders and we shall stand by them always until we soon fly our majestic flag all over Barotseland," he said.

"It must be known that he Ngambela Sinyinda was mandated by the Barotse nation to take the stand that he did concerning the direction we have now chosen to take as a nation. Arresting him will not make us retreat or change our minds. It only proves that Barotseland is indeed not a part of Zambia otherwise that government would have found a much more civilised way of approach rather than insult all Barotse people in this manner."

[More civilised? They're lucky they're not on in jail, and a national emergency has not been called. This is why I believe that national elites should not be replaced by local elites. I say decentralisation of budgets and responsibilities to all local governments, not the provinces or even districts. - MrK]

Shuwanga said the Zambian government must know that they were being watched.

"As we were brave enough to go ahead with the BNC conference in the face of all kind of intimidation, we shall also go ahead with our resolve for freedom. The Zambian government must know that they are being watched. Any harm to our leaders will result in unhealthy consequences," he said.

"This morning Friday activists advised him not to go to the police station because it did not make any sense as the same police had been already given the resolutions since they too had attended the BNC meeting. We abhor such treatment to any of our leaders as it only serves to escalate the already volatile situation. Ngambela never decided on his own but it was all the people of Barotseland who decided to cut away from Zambia for founded reasons."

Shuwanga cautioned that harassment and intimidation in dealing with the Barotseland issue will only result in something that may not be in the interest of peace.

"Lozi people can be very patient but when we make a decision, we stand for that decision come what may. This is what we saw as the only way forward and we shall not go back on it. Barotseland is now free from Zambia and all that the Zambian authorities are doing in the territory is tantamount to rape," said Shuwanga.

"They should now just sit down with us and work out the disengagement in peace."

And Mongu residents have been experiencing daily power interruptions from Wednesday, a day after the BNC declaration to pursue secession.

The first power interruption, which also affected Limulunga where the Litunga's palace is, occurred on Wednesday evening and lasted up to the next morning.

Security sources said the power interruptions were meant to facilitate the entry and movement of security forces from areas outside Western Province into Mongu.

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