Monday, June 11, 2012

Enemies want to see MMD die, says Pande

Enemies want to see MMD die, says Pande
By Moses Kuwema
Mon 11 June 2012, 13:25 CAT

MMD deputy national chairman Kabinga Pande says enemies of the party want to see it die.

Commenting on recent revelations that the MMD wanted to expel Lunte member of parliament Felix Mutati following his alleged links to the ruling PF, Pande who is also Kasempa member of parliament, said such stories were emanating from enemies of the party and has called for unity in the MMD.

"Nobody is going to hound out Mutati. Mutati is a senior member of the MMD and if he indeed wanted to leave MMD like anybody else, it would not be a secret. He will come out in the open. And there have been stories that Pande and Situmbeko Musokotwane are trekking to UPND, all these are stories coming from enemies of the party who want to see MMD die or collapse but they will not succeed and I think we should be more united than ever before," he said.

And Pande, a former foreign affairs minister, said the international community should be answerable to what was happening in Syria because they were playing double standards.

He observed that the international community was treating the Syrian crisis the same way it treated the Rwandan situation.

"The question is: what is the difference with what is happening in Syria and what happened in Egypt and Libya? What position did the international community take which it is failing to take in Syria?" Pande asked.

He called for the protection of innocent civilians in Syria to avoid further loss of life.

"Life, regardless of whose life, is very important. Whether it is for an African, a European, an American and Arab or whatever, it is life. It must be protected by those who have the capacity to do so. I believe the international community has the capacity to stop the massacre and the problems that are going on in Syria," said Pande.

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