Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sata is chimbwi no plan - HH

Sata is chimbwi no plan - HH
By Kombe Chimpinde
Tue 12 June 2012, 13:25 CAT

UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema yesterday likened President Michael Sata to a "hyena without a plan". And Hichilema has warned Post Newspapers and its editor-in-chief Fred M'membe that he will fix them over the K14 billion they owe DBZ when he comes into power in 2016.

Meanwhile, Hichilema described Lusaka Police Commanding officer Charity Katanga as "a chief hooligan". During a briefing in Lusaka yesterday, Hichilema claimed that it was clear that President Sata had no plan for the country and was taking it to "the dark ages".

"We are going back to dark ages in terms of the quality of life…in terms of the conduct and the quality of the leadership of our country. Have you heard him talk about policies? At labour day, that is when he was reminding Chishimba Kambwili to come up with a policy for youth employment. You come with a policy before you get into government to implement policies. I am appealing to the people of Zambia to understand that you've jumped from a frying pan into a fire. The Bible is very clear that where there is no vision, people perish…When the PF and Mr Sata fail to articulate the vision of the country, they begin to run the state like a 'chimbwi twakwata plan'…," Hichilema said.

"Chimbwi alibe plan. Angena chabe mu boma aganiza ati nikupanga chongo, ndiye kusunga ziko. Visiyana maningi. (Hyena without a plan. He gets into government and thinks just making noise is running the country. These two are different). Recently he donated fuel to Malawi. As usual Mr Sata was impulsive and acted without a plan when making the donation. Manje wapasa ba neighbour mwana wako agona njala (you give your neighbour while your child starves). The shortage of fuel is as a result…"Chimbwi no plan'."

Hichilema said those that were covering up what he described as the poor leadership of President Sata would soon pay the price.

"Time is moving, time is flying very fast…252 days of the PF leadership, almost nine months since Mr Sata and the PF took office in this country," he said.

Hichilema mocked that there was a lot of hype since President Sata took office based on the promises he made to the Zambians which he had failed to fulfil.

"Nine months down the road, the people of Zambia are living under hard times.
Times are harder than they were under the MMD. When you change government, you expect that you will improve the lives of the people beyond what they were when you took over office but with us, the situation is different under the PF. Under Mr Sata, people are hurting, people's pockets are emptier," he claimed.

"So someone told a lie and that lie is coming to the fore and no amount of protection by The Post protecting Mr Sata 'Michael this, Michael that, my Michael this'. Tell your Michael to deliver to the people of Zambia, that is what we want…Just deliver jobs," he said.

Hichilema said the UPND would not stop criticising President Sata by joining what he termed the head of state's praise singers like The Post.

"Our job is not to be called a loyal opposition," he said.

And Hichilema accused The Post of soliciting to have the K14 billion debt owed to DBZ forgiven "by praising President Sata and acting as his chief defenders".

"Let the judges rule. You want to remove all the judges so that you can put only your friends so that every case that goes to court, you win? This is what they are being protected for and the people of Zambia must not tolerate such behaviour," he said.

"He (M'membe) writes about Michael, Michael. He wants Michael to protect him from paying the debt that he owes you who are seated here.

"If you use Sata to protect you, when Sata comes out in 2016, we shall collect that money on behalf of the people of Zambia. We'll not just collect the principal, we will collect it with interest. So, you keep saying 'leave Michael' kansi kumbali ubisa ufuna akuchite forgive for your debt, wanama. Unama bantu ati ulinandalama. Kansi ulibe ndalama. Ndalama ni zokongoa (You keep saying 'leave Michael' yet secretly you are hiding because you want him to forgive your debt, you are cheating. You are cheating people that you have money, yet you don't have. The money is borrowed."

Meanwhile, Hichilema accused Katanga of behaving like a vigilante for the PF, after he accused her of attacking the unarmed youth who were calling for the independency of the Judiciary, and interference by the government to protect M'membe.

"That Katanga lady, I am going to her office today (yesterday), I want her to explain to me why she cheated that they were hooligans when it was her who was a hooligan who brought her fellow hooligans to beat our cadres. Today and I am going alone because they think that we are afraid," he said.

"There is no rule of law in this country but we are sending a message to the police - behave yourselves."

Hichilema also claimed that the police in Lusaka had beat up cadres and refused to issue them with police reports to enable them seek medical attention.

"Katanga and her people were running away from the offices refusing to give our people police reports as if we have committed a crime," claimed Hichilema. "They now realise they have dented the image of the police."

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