Sunday, July 08, 2012

Opposition need to deepen their ideologies, says Fr Chibuye

COMMENT - The problem is that the opposition hasn't known what to do for 2 decaades. How are they going to change now? Are they going to distance themselves from 20 years of doing whatever the IMF and World Bank say, while taking bribes from foreign mining companies? And now they're led by Nevers Mumba.

Opposition need to deepen their ideologies, says Fr Chibuye
By Henry sinyangwe
Sun 08 July 2012, 13:24 CAT

OPPOSITION political parties need to deepen their ideologies and beliefs if they have to add value to the nation's democratic dispensation, says Caritas Mpika director Father Patrick Chibuye.

And Fr Chibuye says the opposition must offer positive solutions and alternatives to the government so that it can serve the people well. He noted that there was a trend by the opposition parties which seemed not to be adding value to the democratic dispensation of the country.

"Zambian democracy seems to have taken another angle in relation to the opposition parties. For the past nine months now, I have noticed a trend by the opposition parties which seems not to be adding value to the democratic dispensation of this nation. When the party is in opposition, it first needs to be deepened in its ideologies and beliefs, deepen and cement its intra party democracy. When this happens then it is worthwhile for any political party in the opposition to remind the government on their wrong doings. I have seen with sadness that the opposition parties as of late are true to the word 'oppose'. In normal circumstances, the opposition should provide checks and balances, offer positive solutions and alternatives to the government so that the party in government can serve the people well," Fr Chibuye said.

He said there was need for a credible opposition to keep government on track so that it does not go to sleep.

Fr Chibuye said the party in government should also show the public good democratic tenets in order to enhance good governance as failure to do so would bring demonstrations from the opposition parties.

"The government too should also create a forum where the opposition would discuss the welfare of the country freely especially to keep the government on track so that it does not go to sleep," he said.

"Both the government and opposition political parties should not look at each other as enemies but as core workers in advancing good governance strategies of this country."

And Fr Chibuye said members of parliament should be credible and not oppose issues in Parliament for the sake of it but should offer proper alternatives to issues.

"That is why if you have parliamentarians who just vote for anything without being critical and objective and most of all do not think for the future and implications of what is being put across, this country may hit disastrous destination," said Fr Chibuye.

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