Monday, October 15, 2012

(HERALD ZW) MDC-T blueprint hangs in balance

MDC-T blueprint hangs in balance
Monday, 15 October 2012 00:00
Farirai Machivenyika Herald Reporter

The launch of the MDC-T economic blueprint hangs in the balance with the party still to decide on when the policy they expect to rival Zanu-PF’s empowerment policies will be unveiled. MDC-T indicated in August that it was going to unveil its Jobs, Upliftment, Investment, Capital and Environment policy by mid-September this year.

However, it first postponed it citing a busy schedule ahead of preparations for the party leader’s wedding to Ms Elizabeth Macheka. The wedding was, however, stopped by the High Court after Mr Tsvangirai’s wife, Ms Locardia Karimatsenga Tembo challenged its legality.

The policy was then expected to be launched at the MDC-T’s 13th anniversary that was held in Bulawayo a fortnight ago. On Tuesdaay MDC-T spokesperson Mr Douglas Mwonzora could only say the dates would be announced “soon”.

“The date is yet to be set but it will be announced soon,” he said.
He, however, could not state the reasons behind the delays. The policy, abbreviated JUICE, is premised on attracting foreign direct investments but analysts have been saying most of the countries expected to provide funding have not only imposed sanctions on Zimbabwe and failed to come through when MDC-T joined government but are in the throes of crunching economic recession. Another MDC-T programme called the Jobs, Upliftment, Investment and Participation suffered a still birth last

year with insiders saying the programme had been hurriedly put together and would be difficult to implement outside Government structures. This is the third document produced by the party.



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