Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rupiah treasures leisure than solving economic problems, charges Masupa

Rupiah treasures leisure than solving economic problems, charges Masupa
Written by Lambwe Kachali and Katwishi Bwalya
Sunday, December 28, 2008 12:49:53 PM

INDEPENDENT Churches of Zambia (ICOZ) president Reverend David Masupa has observed that President Rupiah Banda's going on holiday shows that he treasures leisure more than solving the economic difficulties that have plagued the country.

And Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) executive director Elijah Rubvuta said President Banda's decision to go on holiday does not depict commitment and seriousness towards finding solutions to the country's problems.

In an interview, Rev Masupa said President Banda had proved to be a failure in terms of leadership, especially that he had been in office for less than three months.

He said President Banda's beginning had been disastrous and an indication to the Zambian people to prepare for more hardships because their head of state had no solutions to their problems; neither did he have a human heart to help them.

Rev Masupa said any committed president would share difficulties with citizens and work hard in finding lasting solutions together.

"We are very disappointed that in the midst of difficulties, when people cannot even afford to buy a bag of mealie-meal, the country can have enough money for the head of state to go for a holiday," he said.

He said President Banda was setting a bad precedent because Zambians had been compelled into thinking that the government was telling blatant lies when it said there was no money, when millions were being spent in Mfuwe.

Rev Masupa said much as Zambians were aware of the president's privileges, the timing for President Banda to go on holiday was wrong.

"We feel until the economy stabilises, that's when he can go on leave. Because now what this implies, the people of Zambia will get it that there is money for the leaders to go and have leisure life, but there is no money to cushion the impact of the bad economy in the country; to cushion the high prices of mealie-meal for the poor people to afford.

We shouldn't be creating classes, that a certain class of Zambians can afford and the other class cannot afford. So really, as the church and as a religious leader, I would say that the President should take time and see how people are suffering in our compounds, instead of going on holiday. Let the President show that he is worth what he promised during campaigns. Let him practice what he preached. Let them show us by reducing the bag of mealie-meal to less than K40,000 [per 25 kg bag], then they will get accolade from the people of Zambia," said Rev Masupa.

And Rubvuta said it was unfortunate that President Banda could even have strength to go on leave when the people he was leading were sleeping on empty stomachs.

"Like everybody takes it when you go on leave it's like one is going to relax so, we take it President Banda is going to relax at a time when serious brainstorming is required," Ruvuta said.

He said this was a time when the country needed a lot of commitment from leaders to demonstrate leadership for the country to forge ahead.

"There are a number of things in the country that needed serious attention like the agriculture sector, issues to do with our yields, which might require a lot of commitment from our leaders," he said.

Rubvuta said with proper leadership, the country was capable of preventing the effects of the global crisis.

"We believe that with proper direction, proper leadership even the effects of the global challenges which are yet to really hit us are possible to avert or at least to prevent the consequences of those effects," said Rubvuta.

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