Thursday, December 04, 2008

Swedish ambassador hails The Post for its coverage

Swedish ambassador hails The Post for its coverage
Written by Sydney Mungala
Thursday, December 04, 2008 4:43:45 AM

THE Post is a paper you cannot do without if you want to know what is happening in the country, Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Lars Ronnas has observed. And Goteborgs-Posten assistant editor Anders Goliger said twinning newspapers was one way of meeting global challenges facing newspapers.

During a cocktail at Post deputy managing director Sam Mujuda's residence held for visiting Swedish journalists, Ambassador Ronnas said outsiders relied on The Post as a source of news.

"Every morning going to the office I try to see what is in The Post, what The Post is saying on the front page. It is a newspaper you can't be without if you try to follow what is happening in the country," he said.

Ambassador Ronnas said he was encouraged to see a newspaper like The Post in Zambia that he described as vocal and independent.

"It is a vocal voice and independent voice. It is something that we as outside observers read everyday. I am encouraged to see that Zambia has a paper like The Post," Ambassador Ronnas said.

And Goliger said newspapers become stronger by listening and learning from each other.

"The newspaper industry faces global challenges so this project is one way of meeting them," Goliger said.

And Mujuda said the wisdom by the World Association of Newspapers (WAN) to facilitate the twinning of The Post and Goteborgs-Posten could set the standard for the twinning of newspapers in future.

"I would like to say this is a very ambitious programme by the World Association of Newspapers. They have been able to draw these two newspapers which I would like to believe may not have a lot of likeness. The Post has been in existence for 17 years and Goteborgs-Posten is next year turning 150 years. That already gives us an idea of the differences," said Mujuda.

"But I think the wisdom that WAN had cannot be underrated I think there is definitely something that they have seen in the two organisations that they feel would be able to set a certain standard or a platform for future cooperation between newspapers."

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