Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Keep convicts away from CJ - Bishop Chihana

Keep convicts away from CJ - Bishop Chihana
Written by Ernest Chanda
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 4:12:35 AM

INTERNATIONAL Fellowship of Christian Churches (IFCC) president Bishop Simon Chihana has called on State House to ensure that the Chief Justice does not sit with people facing court cases at state functions. Commenting on a picture in the Saturday Post where Chief Justice Ernest Sakala appeared seated next to former president Frederick Chiluba's wife Regina who has been convicted for receiving stolen property, Bishop Chihana yesterday said the arrangement was a serious oversight.

"The Judiciary must not be seen to be compromised in any way. Looking at such a picture, it is much easier for anyone to think that the Judiciary has been compromised. Everyone knows that former president Chiluba is facing court cases, and his wife was just convicted although she is now on bail. And her cases are handled by our courts of law whose chief supervisor is the Chief Justice. If the public begin to see such pictures, they would begin to make unnecessary conclusions," Bishop Chihana said. "It is unfair for the Chief Justice and for Mrs Chiluba as well because the public can begin to think otherwise. State House should not tempt people's minds by making such arrangements. Let them not preempt the outcome of court cases. State House is a public institution, which we respect always. We also respect our courts of law. So let no one lower the integrity of these two institutions. Let all court cases finish well so that our courts continue to carry their usual credibility."

He said allowing the Chief Justice to appear in public with people facing cases in courts could put him in an awkward situation.

"A situation like this one causes worry to our magistrates who are handling cases related to Dr Chiluba and his wife. The moment our magistrates see their supervisor in such public appearances, it puts them in a fix. They wonder how to carry on with their duties. I think the two [Chief Justice and Regina] should have been separated and made to sit from different angles," said Bishop Chihana. "It is a source of worry to magistrates handling those cases because they will say 'let's do it, after all we have seen these people with the Chief Justice'. My appeal to State House is that they should try by all means to protect the integrity of the Chief Justice and that of Mrs Chiluba. This will work well for both of them."

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