Monday, May 18, 2009

Ministry of Health K10bn scandal is unforgivable – FODEP

Ministry of Health K10bn scandal is unforgivable – FODEP
Written by Mwila Chansa in Kitwe
Monday, May 18, 2009 4:12:19 PM

FOUNDATION for Democratic Process (FODEP) president Stanley Mhango has described the alleged K10 billion scandal at the Ministry of Health as murderous and unforgivable.
And Mhango has expressed concern that civil servants in Zambia have become serious abusers of public resources without applying social shame.

Commenting on the alleged K10 billion scandal involving ministry of health officials that was currently under probe, Mhango stated that FODEP was greatly disturbed by the recent revelation by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

"As an organisation, we are greatly disturbed by the recent revelations by the ACC of the abuse of K10 billion public or donor money from the Ministry of Health which was [suspected to have been] invested in private lodges and luxurious vehicles at the expense of poor majority Zambians," Mhango stated.

"It is common knowledge that most hospitals and health centres in the country suffer from the shortages of drugs (ARVs), staff and facilities and yet some public officers are busy abusing and plundering taxpayers' money meant for developmental activities."

Mhango expressed concern that the people involved in the scandal had continued with their usual work and were withdrawing salaries and allowances from the public coffers despite 'killing' many people through their actions.

"How much ARV drugs would have been procured from the K10 billion? How many health centres and associated facilities would have been put up from the K10 billion? How many CD4 count machines would have been procured and installed in hospitals across the country?" Mhango asked.

He noted that such acts were not only embarrassing to the Ministry of Health and the government but to all Zambians and sent negative signals to the country's cooperating partners.

Mhango demanded the immediate arrest of the people concerned or involved in the K10 billion corruption scandal. He commended the ACC for being proactive and saving further loss of public resources from selfish individuals.

"We further demand for a thorough audit of the Global Funds given directly to the Ministry of Health to ascertain the level of abuse of those funds," stated Mhango.

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