Monday, May 18, 2009

Zambian Airways probe in problems

Zambian Airways probe in problems
Written by Staff Reporters
Monday, May 18, 2009 4:23:48 PM

Police officers investigating the Zambian Airways affairs have now gone for Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ) officials whom they want to charge with abuse of office for allegedly failing to comply with board instructions on Zambian Airways. A police source revealed last week that investigations on Zambian Airways have hit a snag.

“The investigations on Zambian Airways have hit a snag and now we are being forced to even turn our attention to officers within DBZ,” the source said.

“We have looked at the private banks, there is nothing. Any time soon, we will start recording warn and caution statements from DBZ officers for abuse of office. We all know that there is no case but nobody is prepared to come out in the open and say it.

“The officers at DBZ are being accused of not having followed all the loan conditions for Zambian Airways. We have investigated this and found that in fact all the conditions were followed. But it seems the bosses just want to show the higher authorities that they are working.”

The source said they had a problem because this matter was elevated to a very high level before investigations and now they were being forced to try and fill in the gaps.

“The investigations about theft by agent which were handed to the DPP [Director of Public Prosecutions] has also hit a snag,” the source said.

“The DPP has asked us to show the theft by the Zambian Airways directors which we are not able to do. There is panic now in the investigations with some people proposing that we remove Mr Fred M'membe from the case; maybe the DPP will agree to proceed with other directors.”

The source said all this was being done because their bosses did not want to accept that there was no case.

“We have done everything and now we are even being forced to turn against innocent DBZ officers. I do not know where this is going to end. But what is clear is that our investigations have not shown any criminal activities on the part of Zambian Airways directors. This was just a commercial transaction. Other investigative agencies have even lost interest in the matter, leaving us from the police trying to push this on our own. But even we know that there is nothing. And in not so many words, the DPP has told us as much.”

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