Monday, March 22, 2010

(ZIMBABWE GUARDIAN) Prof Moyo slams Nkomo over water project

Prof Moyo slams Nkomo over water project
By: TC-tzg
Posted: Monday, March 22, 2010 1:29 pm

THE Minister of Water Resources and Development, Samuel Sipepa Nkomo, has nothing to do in his office and has found a toy to play with in the form of the National Matabeleland Zambezi Water Project (NMZWP), a senior Zanu-PF official has said.

Speaking in Nyamandlovu on Saturday, Zanu-PF Central Committee member, Professor Jonathan Moyo, attacked the minister, saying that the confusion surrounding the water project showed that he (Minister Nkomo) was involved in “cheap politicking” to gain political mileage out of the water project.

“With all due respect to him, Minister Sipepa Nkomo has nothing to do in his office and has found a toy to play with in the form of NMZWP,” said Prof Moyo, who is also the Member of the House of Assembly for Tsholotsho North Constituency.

“Minister Nkomo is not bringing any new ideas to the water project. He has not proposed anything new in terms of bringing water to the people.”

Mr Nkomo yesterday declined comment on Prof Moyo’s sentiments.

Prof Moyo said that it did not matter who was in control of the water project, but what was of real importance was bringing water to the people.

“It really does not matter who owns the project but what people should concentrate on are the strategies that will bring the water to the people in the quickest way possible,” he said.

Prof Moyo’s sentiments come following reports of confusion surrounding the audit of NMZWP with Mr Nkomo and the trust's officials giving conflicting statements last week.

Mr Nkomo told a meeting in Victoria Falls on Thursday that the audit had commenced but the chairman of the Matabeleland Zambezi Water Trust (MZWT), Mr Dumiso Dabengwa, denied that the auditors were already checking their accounts.

Mr Nkomo said the audit comes at a time when the Government was pressing on with its intention of taking over the project from MZWT headed by the former Home Affairs Minister and Zapu interim chairman, Dr Dabengwa.

Addressing Victoria Falls councillors and officials from Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) and local councillors at the Victoria Falls boardroom, Mr Nkomo said the Comptroller and Auditor-General had begun the NMZWP audit and results were expected soon.

However, on Friday, Dr Dabengwa professed ignorance over the purported audit of the NMZWP. Officials at the trust's offices also said no auditors had been to their offices. Mr Nkomo said all the funds released to the project should be accounted for and if a cent was missing, justice would take its course.

He said Mr Dabengwa and members of staff at MZWT were correct to say they had not seen any auditors in their offices as they are expected in the city today.

“The Comptroller and Auditor- General are likely to arrive in Bulawayo tomorrow (today) to start the auditing process,” said Minister Nkomo, stating how long the audit would take.

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