Sunday, June 27, 2010

‘C/belt Province has only one dialysis machine’

‘C/belt Province has only one dialysis machine’
By Misheck Wangwe in Kitwe
Sun 27 June 2010, 03:00 CAT

LOTTERY Club of Kitwe north president Moshin Chakera has said it is a shame that the Copperbelt Province has only one dialysis machine for patients with kidney complications. And Chakera has disclosed that the club has embarked on a venture to raise about US $36,000 for the purchase of a dialysis machine for Kitwe Central Hospital.

Speaking during his induction as Lottery Club of Kitwe North district 9210 president, Chakera said there was need for cooperating partners to join hands with the Lottery Club in raising funds for purchase of the dialysis machine for Kitwe Central Hospital.

He said it was sad to note that more than 2,000 patients with kidney complications and other related diseases were struggling to have access to the only dialysis machine at Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) Mine Hospital in Chililabomwbe.

“We believe that a journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. As Lottery Club of Kitwe North we have prioritised the need to purchase the dialysis machine for our brothers and sisters with kidney problems. It is a shame that the whole Copperbelt has one dialysis machine at KCM Mine Hospital and a lot of people are suffering because some don’t have access to that machine. We need to work together to purchase this critical machine,” Chakera said.

And speaking earlier Lottery Club of Kitwe North past president Clement Tafeni said the future of Lottery Club was in the hands of the people hence the need for the community to come together in supporting various community programmmes that the club had embarked on.

He said Lottery Club members had endeavored to mobilise resources towards the needy in society. And Ecobank Zambia managing director Charity Lumpa noted the various projects the Lottery Club had carried out over the years.

She said Ecobank realises that corporate entities should collaborate with the government and charity organisations by taking an active role in the development of the communities.

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