Sunday, June 27, 2010

Changwe is a habitual cheque bouncer, reveals Mwelwa

Changwe is a habitual cheque bouncer, reveals Mwelwa
By George Chellah
Sun 27 June 2010, 04:00 CAT

CHIBOMBO Clay Bricks managing partner Lawrence Mwelwa has stated that issuing of cheques on insufficiently funded accounts is Lucy Changwe’s habitual, customary and chronic conduct.

In a letter dated June 21, 2010 to gender deputy minister Changwe, which was also copied to President Rupiah Banda, Mwelwa complained over Changwe’s conduct which he decribed as “unhonourable”.

“We write to express our disappointment in regard to your conduct which we have found to be un-honourable in all aspects considering that you hold a position of honour as a representative of the people of Mkushi North.

What we are seeing in the papers is disgraceful, shameful and discreditable for our honourable member of parliament. Anyway, thanks to one Mr Musonda for exposing you. The people of Mkushi now have known their MP,” Mwelwa stated. “We are mindful of the fact that this is your personal engagement which has absolutely nothing to do with your position in government.

However, your position cannot be delinked from your conduct as it demands integrity, honesty, truthfulness, veracity and reliability. When you signed that contract with the value of Kwacha three hundred and forty million (K340,000,000.00) you implied that you had adequate funds to complete the project.

“Further, you did not state in that agreement that you were depending on funding from your ministry. To date we do not understand how ministry funding is linked to your personal project. Note that we have kept your text messages where you were boasting that we can take you anywhere.”

He told Changwe that her conduct created an impression that she was a dishonest person who could not be trusted with public resources.

“The first mendacious, deceitful, insincere, fraudulent, crooked and corrupt act was your first K18,000,000.00 cheque which was dishonoured by your bank and subsequent false promise of payments. We are being made to believe that you are enriching yourself at the expense of others.

We have noted with shock and distress that the issuing of cheques on insufficiently funded (Rubber cheques) accounts is a habitual, customary, chronic conduct as revealed by The Post edition recently,” Mwelwa stated.

“This is a highest level of indecency, indecorousness and licentiousness that an honourable leader can exhibit. If you were not dishonest then we sincerely pardon your ignorance in regards to matters of contracts and construction.

Based on your contract we made budgets and started working along those lines. Given that you gave us strict instructions that you never wanted us to recruit any worker from Mkushi for reasons best known to yourself, we spent your K18 million on mobilizations and settlement of the workers, other things were regular site inspection, food, rentals…

“Had we known from the beginning that you did not have enough to build 10 chalets we were only going to bring nine workers than the 23 workers that we engaged. It is clear that you breached the agreement but it is our policy never to sue anyone for small amounts of money.

We then feel that your conscience should be the judge in this matter that is if you have a conscience with sound judgment and respect for other people’s feelings. Please do not make us feel that we are being led by leaders who are so insensitive and unsympathetic to the plight of the poor they claim to represent.”

He complained that every single day the poor people are shedding tears of complaint before God.

“The many workers and small scale contractors you have used to build your dreams are crying and shedding tears before God about your cruel, pitiless, heartless and brutal treatment. How do you expect a blessing that will see you back to Parliament next year? I am sure it is not only our workers who have suffered at your hands,” stated Mwelwa.

“Please find time to examine your actions and re-visit your dealings. Please let us know if you are willing to pay or we should write off as a bad debt. By copy of this letter I wish to appeal to His Excellency Mr Rupiah B. Banda to relieve you of your duties to give you time to resolve your personal financial problems, which have dented your image as a leader. We hope that you can feel the pain in our hearts as you read this letter.”

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