Monday, June 28, 2010

Kawimbe challenges Zambians to become industrious

COMMENT - Well aren't the Government Zambians too? So what is the government going to do about job creation? Other than give away the country's natural wealth for cents on the dollar?

Kawimbe challenges Zambians to become industrious
By Chiwoyu Sinyangwe in Mansa
Mon 28 June 2010, 08:20 CAT

LUAPULA Province minister Dr Boniface Kawimbe says people need to engage in extra income generating activities to make a dent on poverty levels.

Addressing the Luapula Province business community during the Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) investment and trade sensitisation workshop at Teja Executive Lodge, Dr Kawimbe said there was need for people to engage in extra income generating activities to make a dent on poverty levels which in Luapula were estimated to be around 69 per cent.

Dr Kawimbe said even civil servants, who he said were not paid enough to meet their basic needs, should engage in income generating activities to supplement their earnings.

“The problem we have in our country is that we don’t hate poverty enough. Why? Some of us civil servants we complain we don't get enough money from government, and it is true government does not pay us enough,” Dr Kawimbe said. “The money government gives cannot meet our basic needs.

Government does not pay enough, which is very true…I agree with late president Levy Mwanawasa when he said ‘poverty should be considered as collateral.’ We must hate poverty…there are people who are saying blessed are the poor…no! Even Jesus didn’t end there but he said blessed are the poor in spirit. He didn’t say blessed are the poor in body.”

And ZDA director of micro and small enterprises division Windu Matoka said the much talked about economic potential of Luapula Province would continue to be a pipe dream for as long as the locals did not take full ownership of the development agenda.

Matoka said ZDA was mindful that it could not execute its mandate properly without interacting with various interest groups, the beneficiaries of its services.

“The idea is that we start talking and remind you the people of Luapula Province that this is the province endowed with so many resources,” said Matoka.

“And it is up to you to begin to explore these opportunities so that together we can contribute to the development of our country. The most important resource in any nation is human resource.”

The seminar, which drew participation from 148 Luapula-based entrepreneurs also attracted input from Investrust Bank Plc, Zanaco Plc, Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission and Bank of Zambia.



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