Sunday, October 30, 2011

Kawaya calls for scrutiny of MMD defectors

Kawaya calls for scrutiny of MMD defectors
By Kabanda Chulu

DEFECTORS from the MMD should be scrutinized to see whether they are joining PF with a view to strengthen the ruling party or seeking protection from various offences they committed whilst in power, says PF Kitwe youths.

Speaking on behalf of other PF youths in Kitwe, Kwacha Constituency youth chairman Lungo Kawaya said it was difficult to understand how suddenly the PF has become a ‘darling' party for people who wanted to see its demise.

"Politics is about numbers but those joining us, are they credible people? Most of them committed various offences against the people of Zambia so we need to scrutinize whether they are seeking protection or they really want to strengthen the PF," Kawaya said. "Just a month ago, they were not in opposition and did all sorts of things to ensure that the PF doesn't progress so are they joining PF in good faith or not hence we have appealed to the general secretary (Wynter Kabimba) to scrutinize these people because we want genuine people who will stay with the party even at the last minute."

Several MMD members, including some senior officials, have defected to the ruling PF, which is barely a month in office and some of these officials have pending cases with the police while others are businessmen who intend to continue influencing the government for various contracts and supply deals.

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