Saturday, May 12, 2012


U.S. Court Judgment, December 2011 (Havlish v. Iran)
by Julie Lévesque
Global Research, May 11, 2012

The U.S. court judgment issued in December 2011 (Havlish v. Iran) which blames the Iran government for the 9/11 attacks is part of the propaganda ploy, which consists in demonizing the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is part and parcel of America's ongoing war against Iran since the overthrow of its U.S.-backed monarchy in 1979.

Like many similar lawsuits in America, this legal procedure's ultimate goal is to draw off important sums of money from the Iranian government leading to the possible confiscation of assets, thereby further strangling the country’s economy, already targeted by U.S. sanctions, while simultaneously reinforcing Iran’s image of a “state sponsor of terrorism”.

This ruling allows the families involved to claim damages from the Iranian government as well from a number of Iranian State corporations, the amount of which is still unknown, but could reach billions, like last December’s judgement which found Iran liable for the 1983 Beirut bombings.

This judicial procedure is nothing more than another vicious weapon in the fabricated “War on Terror” to be used against another Muslim country, with a view to destabilizing Iran as well as justifying ongoing military threats. It also says a lot more about the people behind the lawsuit than about the accused. The expert witnesses who testified against Iran are very active in warmongering neocon circles. They belong to a web of architects of the 21st century Middle-Eastern wars, ranging from high profile propagandists to intelligence and military officers, including former U.S. officials.

In addition, all three branches of the U.S. government, under both Republicans and Democrats, contributed to make this and other legal attacks against Iran possible, while preventing comparable cases against the Saudi monarchy, most notably a case accusing Saudi Arabia for the 9/11 attacks. Although the evidence pertaining to the role of Saudi Arabia in 9/11 remains classified, the available evidence in the public domaine indicates more connections between Al Qaeda and the Saudi monarchy than those allegedly pertaining to Iran.

But what makes this case absurd is that in September 2011, a few months before the judgment, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who has questioned the official 9/11 narrative, was accused by Al-Qaeda leaders of “spreading conspiracy theories about the 9/11 attacks”. The semi-official media outlet of Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, insisted that al-Qaeda “had been behind the attacks and criticised the Iranian president for discrediting the terrorist group.”

Part I of this analysis (below) will focus on the evidence on which the judgement is based.

Part II (forthcoming) examines the profile of the expert witnesses and their links to the U.S government, various anti-Iran lobbies and think tanks. Part III centers on the role of various branches of the US government in facilitating judicial procedures against Iran. Part IV explores how the U.S. authorities have been protecting Saudi Arabia from similar legal suits.

Part I

The "War on Terror Rests" on Kangaroo Courts

Osama bin Laden, allegedly responsible for 9/11, was apparently killed over a year ago by a U.S. Special Operations Team in violation of international law.

Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) detained in Guantanamo and four others have recently been accused of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks. Their detention, mistreatment and accusations before a military tribunal also violate international law. According to this court judgement, Iran is also to blame for 9/11.

Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda are accused as well in Havlish v. Iran, but we will focus on Hezbollah and the Iranian defendants, including many entities such as the Ministries of Finance and Energy. Since it is a default judgment, the defendants were not present in court and no cross-examination took place.

Considering the fact that bin Laden has never been formally accused of the 9/11 attacks, due to lack of evidence, and that the evidence against KSM and the other accused has been obtained through torture and is classified, it is no surprise that the case against Iran also relies on "shaky evidence". In fact, it seems that in logic of America’s “Global War on Terror” anybody can be accused of the 9/11 attacks with trumped up charges.

Havlish v. Iran reads like a typical kangaroo court case. Iran’s responsibility for 9/11 is mostly based on previous attacks and foiled attempts in the U.S. and other countries and all the so-called evidence is actually a collection of assumptions which are turned into facts from one sentence to another without any addition of factual evidence to support it. Some claims are inconsistent, purely subjective and what is said to be the strongest evidence is a clumsy distortion of facts, which can be easily refuted by sound factual evidence.

Ironically, this attempt to link Iran to 9/11 demonstrates a notoriously twisted legal procedure, not to mention a cruel lack of corroborating evidence.

To set the stage, numerous attacks unrelated to 9/11 are presented with alleged financial or material backing from Iran and/or Hezbollah, the Shia Muslim militant group. We can see a pattern and key people emerge: very often the U.S. and Israel accuse Iran of those attacks which have either not been resolved, or have been blamed on other governments and terrorist groups, or other organisations are said to have claimed responsibility for them.

Here are some examples:

- The Israeli embassy bombing in Buenos Aires in 1992:

The US and Israel have accused Iran and Hezbollah of those attacks, without providing corroborating evidence. The Department of State blamed a suicide bomber from Hezbollah driving a truck, but according to a report ordered by Argentina’s Supreme Court, the bomb was in the building: “The engineers established, with 99 percent certainty, the exact location where the explosives were and the quantity that was used.” The case has not been solved. (March 17, 1992: Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires Is Bombed, Hezbollah and Iran Accused Despite Lack of Evidence.)

- The 1993 WTC bombing:

Former CIA Director James Woolsey tried to prove Iraq was responsible for the 1993 bombing and hinted at possible links with Iran in an interview from October 2001. (Gunning for Saddam. Interview R. James Woolsey, Frontline, PBS, October 2001.)

An internal CIA report concluded however that the CIA was partly responsible for the bombing since “Several of the bombers were trained by the CIA to fight in the Afghan war.” (February 26, 1993: WTC Is Bombed but Does Not Collapse, as Bombers Had Hoped, History Commons.)

- The foiled Eiffel tower attack with a hijacked French airliner:

The Algerian group GIA (Groupe islamique armé) claimed responsibility for the hijacking. According to the famous U.S. think tank Council on Foreign Relations the origins of the GIA are the same as al-Qaeda:

Like lots of violent Islamic movements around the world, many militants in the GIA appear to trace their radicalization to Afghanistan, where they fought as mujahadeen, or Islamic guerillas, against the Soviet army from 1979 to 1989. (Lauren Vriens, Armed Islamic Group (Algeria, Islamists), Council on Foreign Relations, May 27, 2009.)

It is worth mentioning the creation of al-Qaeda by the U.S. government is well documented and has been admitted by Robert Gates and Zbignew Brzezinski:

According to the official version of history, CIA aid to the Mujahadeen began during 1980, that is to say, after the Soviet army invaded Afghanistan, 24 Dec 1979. But the reality, secretly guarded until now, is completely otherwise: Indeed, it was July 3, 1979 that President Carter signed the first directive for secret aid to the opponents of the pro-Soviet regime in Kabul. (Le Nouvel Observateur, January 15-21, 1998, p. 76. Translation taken from Counterpunch Zbigniew Brzezinski: How Jimmy Carter and I Started the Mujahideen.)

- The 1995 assassination attempt on Mubarak:

Conducted by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, a group led by Ayman Al-Zawahiri, and closely affiliated with Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda. (Nate Jones, Document Friday: Mubarak, al-Bashir, al-Zawahiri, and bin Laden. The 1995 Assassination Attempt in Addis Ababa, The National Security Archives, February 4, 2011.)

- The Saudi Arabia Khobar Towers attack in 1996:

The Saudis blamed Hezbollah for the attacks, “but US investigators still believe bin Laden was involved”.

In June 2001, a US grand jury will indict 13 Saudis for the bombing. According to the indictment, Iran and Hezbollah were also involved in the attack. [US CONGRESS, 7/24/2003] (June 25, 1996: Khobar Towers Are Bombed; Unclear Who Culprit Is, History Commons.)

Former US officials will later claim that even after the bombing, the CIA instructed officials at its Saudi station not to collect information on Islamic extremists in Saudi Arabia. (After June 25, 1996: CIA Agents Told Not to Track Militants in Saudi Arabia, History Commons.)

- The 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen:

An American judge found Sudan guilty of those attacks through its support for al-Qaeda.

Four experts on terrorism, including former CIA Director R. James Woolsey, testified in person or by deposition Tuesday to support the families’ contention that al-Qaeda needed the African nation’s help to carry out the attack. (Associated Press, Federal judge rules Sudan responsible for USSCole bombing in 2000, NBC News, March 14, 2007.)

Clearly, this series of attacks by no means constitutes "evidence" of Iran’s involvement in 9/11.

In addition to the absence of links between Iran and 9/11, the nature of the assumptions and presumptons in the judgment is striking. The terms “proof” or “evidence” are simply nowhere to be found. Instead, formulations such as “Iran must have”, “would have” “it is likely that Iran”, are numerous. In the end, all these suspicions and beliefs are put together and presented as solid evidence of Iran’s participation in the 9/11 attacks. Yet, even in abundance, assumptions can not become facts. Here are some examples:

(41) “Ministry of Economic Affairs and Finance […] had to have been involved in Iran’s […] financial support for terrorists […] al-Qaeda in particular”

(42) “Iranian Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Petroleum must have been aware of weapons shipments bound for terrorist groups.”

(252) Lopez and Tefft “state it is their expert opinion to a reasonable degree of professional certainty that the Iranian Regime’s use of terror, and specifically, its material support of al-Qaeda and terrorist attacks, including 9/11, is beyond question.”

(259) Bergman “asserts that the authorities in the Israeli and American intelligence services believe that Hizballah’s Imad Mughniyah conceived, designed, planned commanded and/or carried out terrorist operations […] in Syria in February 2008.”

(269) “[…] document dated May 14, 2001 from Ali Akbar Nateq Nouri and concludes it appears to be authentic. […] reveals both high level links between the Iran Supreme leader’s intelligence apparatus and al-Qaeda […]”

(274) Timmerman “states he was told by the 9/11 commission staff members that the Iranians were fully aware they were helping operatives […] of an organization preparing attacks against the United States.”

Other “evidence” of Iran’s link to 9/11 includes “Iranians travelling to Afghanistan” and al-Qaeda and Hezbollah operatives being on the same flight to Beirut. Again that proves nothing. Another issue raised to prove Iran was behind the attacks is Iran’s financial support to Hezbollah, which in turn supported and trained al-Qaeda. If such a link is admitted, then the U.S. should be the first to blame for 9/11 since al-Qaeda is a U.S. creation, "an intelligence asset" as acknowledged above by Brzezinski as well as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

But the “strongest” evidence brought up in this case against the Islamic republic relates to the stamping of Saudi passports by Iranian immigration. Iran is accused of being a “state sponsor of terrorist travel because it did not stamp the Saudi terrorists’ passports”. That is a half truth. It is true that Iran did not stamp the “Saudi terrorists’ passports”, but not because they were known to be terrorists, but simply because Iran does not stamp ANY Saudi passport.

If that, according to “expert” testimonies, is the strongest evidence proving Iran’s links to the 9/11 attacks, then the whole case has absolutely no grounds. Moreover, if one follows this logic, the U.S. should be found guilty of the attacks, since the alleged hijackers were delivered U.S. visas and the intelligence agencies were aware of their presence on American soil. Most importantly, they did nothing about it.

Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer was part of a secret military unit called “Able Danger”, which collaborated with international intelligence agencies and the Defense Intelligence Agency. The unit had identified and tracked terrorists allegedly involved in 9/11, including Mohamed Atta, more than a year before the attacks.(Pentagon opens doors to 9/11 attacks,; 9 11 Prior Knowledge Able Danger Hearing for Lt Col Anthony Shaffer in Congress C SPAN,, September 24, 2009)

Lt Col Anthony Shaffer

Lt Col Shaffer testified at the 9/11 Commission. Navy Captain Scott Phillpott also testified to the 9/11 Commission staff about Able Danger and the identification of Mohammed Atta in January and February of 2000. Not only were their testimonies, as well as any other information relating to Able Danger, completely ignored in the report, but the latter states that “American intelligence agencies were unaware of Mr. Atta until the day of the attacks”. (Philip Shenon, Navy Officer Affirms Assertions About Pre-9/11 Data on Atta, August 22, 2005.)

Needless to say, the 9/11 Commission Report is a collection of “omissions and distortions”, a very well orchestrated cover-up, a reality to which even the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Commission, Thomas H. Kean and Lee H. Hamilton adhere, claiming it was “set up to fail”.

The case against Iran is largely based on the 9/11 Commission Report, and three of the “expert witnesses” who testified were part of that commission. Among them is Dietrich Snell, one of the lead investigators and the man Captain Phillpott testified to about Able Danger. (Douglas Jehl and Philip Shenon, 9/11 Commission's Staff Rejected Report on Early Identification of Chief Hijacker, The New York Times, August 11, 2005.)

Part II of this article (forthcoming) will focus on the expert witnesses who testified against Iran in the court case.

Global Research Articles by Julie Lévesque

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(LUSAKATIMES) Opposition should seek other avenues for resolving internal matters instead of courting ‘foreigners’-Roy Mwaba

Opposition should seek other avenues for resolving internal matters instead of courting ‘foreigners’-Roy Mwaba
TIME PUBLISHED - Friday, May 11, 2012, 8:18 pm

THE Zambian Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) general secretary Roy Mwaba has now changed allegiance from the MMD to the party in government when he decided to antagonize the union’s leadership by questioning why it was necessary to meet opposition political party leaders over their stance to oppose President Sata’s suspending Judges.

Mr Mwaba, who was supportive of MMD programmes and activities prior to the September 20 general elections, shocked many people at a press briefing in Lusaka when he asked why opposition political party leaders were courting the diplomatic community on internal matters which Zambians had the capacity to resolve.

Mr Mwaba said if the opposition were aggrieved on the suspension of judges, they should seek other avenues of resolving internal matters instead of courting ‘foreigners’.

“There are a number of avenues that the opposition can follow if there is any issue that they feel should be addressed. For example the opposition leaders have Members of Parliament (MPs) who can raise an issue in parliament or they can call for an interparty dialogue where issues can be discussed.

“So there are avenues through which internal matters can be resolved. So as a labour movement we are wondering why the opposition is running to seek foreign intervention when there are avenues,” he said.

Mr Mwaba advised foreign missions not to interfere with the country’s internal matters as Zambian’s had the capacity to solve their internal issues.

He said Zambia was a sovereign state which was capable of resolving its internal issues.

Mwaba said opposition party leaders should stop wasting time of the labour movement and they next time they wished to meet with the ZCTU on any matter, they should make a formal application instead of the impromptu approach taken this time.

Mwaba said the opposition political party leaders had besieged the ZCTU headquarters, which are located next to the office for the taskforce on corruption headquarters in Lusaka’s Porsche Woodlands suburbs to seek audience with the labour movement over the suspension of three judges. He said nothing tangible was discussed in the meeting.

“There was nothing that was resolved in the so called meeting and there are minutes to that effect and this will be availed to the board. But advise the opposition that next time they wish to meet us they should follow procedure,” he said.

Mwaba emphasized that the ZCTU would only issues a statement on the suspended judges after gathering adequate information because the Congress did not want to speculate on the case.

He also took time to comment on the Barosteland turbulence saying the labour movement was shocked as to why some stakeholders were making unwarranted comments on the matter when President Michael Sata had not made any official position following the Roger Chongwe Commission of inquiry whose report was tossed out by the President upon its submission at State House.

He said ZCTU always advocated for a united Zambia and that all and its affiliates would always stand to defend the position of the mother body.

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(MnG) ANC youth in KZN expected to back nationalisation

ANC youth in KZN expected to back nationalisation
10 May 2012 09:16 - Charles Molele

Party structures in KwaZulu-Natal have joined their peers in Limpopo in their endorsement of nationalisation.

KwaZulu-Natal ANC structures are reportedly supportive of calls for the nationalisation of South Africa's mines, punted by the party's youth league. (Rogan Ward)

Delegates at the ANC’s provincial conference in KwaZulu-Natal are expected to throw their weight behind the youth league’s call for nationalisation of the mines and other strategic sectors of the economy.

The Mail & Guardian understands that entire ANC regions in KwaZulu-Natal are in favour of the nationalisation policy and fully support the recent research report on state intervention in the minerals sector.

Our Coverage

If a resolution to support nationalisation is taken at the end of the conference this Sunday, KwaZulu-Natal will become the second ANC province after Limpopo to support the controversial policy proposal.

“We are free politically, but for some reason the means of production remains in the hands of a few capitalists,” said a provincial leader, who was not authorised to comment officially.

“It cannot be business as usual. We have our differences with the youth league, but nationalisation is welcome and supported here in KwaZulu-Natal simply because everybody agrees that it will lead to more jobs, eradicate poverty and reduce inequalities in South Africa,” said the source.

The call for nationalisation has caused a fierce debate in the party ahead of its policy conference in June at Gallagher Estate in Midrand. Some have raised concerns that it may lead to disinvestment and a flight of capital.


The report into the nationalisation of mines has been presented to the ANC’s national executive committee for discussion, but a final decision on the issue is to be taken at the party’s upcoming policy conference.

It proposes, among other things, a reduction in the royalty tax and a 50% tax on “super-profits”.

Addressing ANC members at last month’s Freedom Day celebrations, Limpopo Premier Cassel Mathale once again endorsed calls for nationalisation.

The province took a resolution to support nationalisation in December last year, but many pro-Jacob Zuma voices in the ANC and its alliance partners interpreted this as a campaign tool to undermine the president, given his strained relationship with the youth league and its expelled president Julius Malema.

Malema and the league want Deputy President Kgalema Motlanthe to replace Zuma at the party’s conference in Mangaung in the Free State in December.

Supporting nationalisation

A provincial leader, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the M&G this week that, despite their differences with the league, KwaZulu-Natal structures supported nationalisation and would lobby for a resolution on the matter.

ANC provincial secretary Sihle Zikalala told the M&G this week that nationalisation was one of the key policy proposals to be discussed at the conference in Newcastle.

He added, however, that it had to be left to provincial delegates to decide. “We support the report as presented by the research team because it creates the basis for further discussion on the [mine nationalisation] policy,” Zikalala said.

“We are of a view that the research on the issue should not be limited to mineral resources, but it must include other [strategic] sectors, in particular the financial sector. But it’s a matter for the provincial conference to endorse it or decide otherwise.”

Meanwhile, Zikalala declined to comment on the leadership contest at the conference, but the M&G understands that the majority of ANC regions have reached an agreement to retain the current leadership.

The province

It effectively paves the way for Zweli Mkhize and his top leadership to be re-elected at the provincial conference.

Among those to be retained in the top structure is controversial provincial treasurer Peggy Nkonyeni.

Nkonyeni, who is also the speaker, economic development MEC Mike Mabuyakhulu and businessman Gaston Savoi are facing charges of corruption, money laundering, fraud and racketeering arising from allegations that they defrauded the provincial health department by inflating the prices of water purification equipment that was supplied by Savoi’s company.

Mkhize told a press briefing this week that he would not suspend Nkonyeni, despite the serious charges she faces.

The decision to retain the provincial leadership strengthens Zuma’s hand in Mangaung, because the province intends to send a delegation united behind Zuma.

According to figures released on Tuesday, the ANC has 252 637 members in KwaZulu-Natal.

Despite a moratorium on the succession debate, the provincial leadership in KwaZulu-Natal reiterated its support for the re-election of Zuma as ANC president.

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(NEWZIMBABWE) US$4m shellfish consignment seized at Beitbridge

US$4m shellfish consignment seized at Beitbridge
11/05/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

A SOUTH African truck driver smuggled US$4 million worth of abalone shellfish into Zimbabwe concealed under a consignment of charcoal, a court heard.
Joseph Ndinganeni Ndou was intercepted at the Beitbridge border on May 1 after failing to declare the contraband.

Prosecutors say the charcoal and the illicit shellfish load were ordered by a Harare company, Sitric Marketing. Investigators believe the abalone – an endangered species in most countries – were destined for the Far East.

Ndou, 48, of Nancefield in Musina, was not asked to plead when he appeared before Beitbridge magistrate Gloria Takundwa on Tuesday.
He was released on US$100 after being charged with one count of smuggling under the Customs and Excise Act.

Prosecuting, Jabulani Mberesi said sometime in April, Sitric Marketing had placed an order for abalone and charcoal from South Africa.
They later engaged Chabata Transport Company to move the charcoal and shellfish to Zimbabwe.

Ndou arrived at the border on May 1 with invoices only reflecting his charcoal load. He made a false declaration to the Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (Zimra).

Acting on a tip-off, detectives from the Border Control and Minerals Unit intercepted Ndou’s truck at a final check-point and directed it to a Zimra container depot for physical examination.
Under the charcoal load, police found 500 packets of abalone worth $3,853,556.36.

Abalones are large edible sea snails with a shallow ear-shaped shell found mostly in warm seas. The mollusc attaches itself to a rock or stone using its muscular foot. The fleshy foot of the abalone is boiled, dried in the sun, and canned for export.

Trade in abalones is banned in Zimbabwe. South Africa indefinitely suspended abalone fishing in its waters in February 2008 to save the species from extinction.

Abalones are a delicacy in Asia and investigators believe that is where the consignment was ultimately destined after drying and canning.



(NEWZIMBABWE) Foreign miners ripping off Zimbabwe: Mpofu

COMMENT - 'Claimed'? I would say it is an absolute certainty. They're ripping off everyone else, including the western taxpayer who springs for 'Donor Aid', because the mines are not paying taxes. All mineral resource wealth belongs collectively to the people of the country. That is a place to start.

Foreign miners ripping off Zimbabwe: Mpofu
11/05/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

MINES Minister Obert Mpofu has claimed that foreigners including countries which imposed sanctions on the country continue to benefit from Zimbabwe’s vast mineral wealth while the majority of locals struggle to put food on the table.

Speaking at the 73rd Chamber of Mines Annual General Meeting in Victoria Falls on Friday, Mpofu said miners were resisting efforts to process minerals locally thereby denying the country huge amounts of revenue from by-products that come from processing minerals such as platinum.

"We are aware that our minerals are developing other countries. When they are taken for processing outside the country, the government is prejudiced," Mpofu said.

Zimbabwe is said to have the world’s second biggest platinum reserves after South Africa. The top two global producers, Anglo American Platinum and Impala Platinum, have operations in the country but currently send platinum concentrate to South African refineries for processing.

The government has been pressing the miners to process the minerals locally, but the companies say current production is insufficient to sustain a viable refinery.

Mpofu also the mining sector’s overall contribution to government revenues has been declining even with the discovery of diamonds in the eastern Manicaland province.

"The mining sector used to contribute US$54 million into treasury from diamonds but can no longer do so because we are not processing them locally. We are now contributing about half of the amount. Those who imposed sanction on us are benefitting more," he said.

The government has since increased by up to 5,000 percent a raft of mining fees and levies with officials insisting the review was necessary to increase state revenues.

In addition, authorities have also been pressing the mining industry to comply with the country’s empowerment legislation which is aimed at giving the previously marginalised black majority control of the economy.

Under the policy, foreign companies must transfer ownership of at least 51 percent of their Zimbabwe operations to locals and most of the major miners have already submitted compliance proposals despite fears the legislation could force companies to pull out of the country.

Meanwhile, Mpofu said Zimbabwe remains largely unexplored adding the government was looking at establishing an exploration company to help build an inventory of the country’s mineral wealth and establish what proportion could be commercially exploited.

"We are putting in place modalities for the establishment of an exploration company which will conduct exploration activities and build an inventory of bankable mining projects that can be marketed to investors, both domestic and foreign," he said.

"In line with this development, my ministry has also resumed the processing of Exclusive Prospecting Orders (EPOs) which will lead to clearing the backlog and opening up of ground for exploration."

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(NEWZIMBABWE) MDC-T raises EU sanctions buffer in diplomat briefing

MDC-T raises EU sanctions buffer in diplomat briefing
11/05/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

THE MDC-T briefed diplomats accredited to Harare Friday, highlighting the need for full implementation of a power sharing pact with Zanu PF as well as concerns over what the party says is growing incidence of violence across the country.

The briefing follows Thursday’s meeting between Zimbabwe and the European Union where the EU’s foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton, commended progress made in implementing political reforms. Ashton also indicated the 27-nation body would review sanctions on Zimbabwe at a meeting in July.

MDC-T secretary for international relations and Minister of State Jameson Timba and party spokesperson Douglas Mwonzora told diplomats Friday that the Brussels meeting “represents an opportunity for those on targeted measures, to change their behaviour on their role in trampling human rights before the next EU meeting is held in July.”

The EU imposed sanctions against Zimbabwe in 2002, citing allegations of human rights abuses and electoral fraud. The sanctions were partially reviewed in February, with the EU removing a visa ban and asset freeze on 51 of the targeted 150 people and 20 of 30 companies on the sanctions list.

At Thursday’s meeting in Brussels, Justice Minister Patrick Chinamasa said the Zimbabwe delegation, which also included MDC representatives and cabinet ministers, Elton Mangoma and Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga, spoke with one voice on the need for the complete removal of the sanctions.

“We spoke with one voice on the issue of sanctions,” he said. "We pointed out that the sanctions had no justification and should not remain.”

But the MDC-T appeared to be singing from a different hymn sheet on Friday.

“The diplomats were informed on the need for the full implementation of the Global Political Agreement (GPA) and the roadmap to free and fair elections,” the party said in a statement.

“The party reiterated that a credible election is one in which the security of the person and the security of the vote is guaranteed and respected.”

Mwonzora, who is also the co-chair of the Parliamentary constitutional select committee (COPAC), told the diplomats the constitutional reforms were on course but expressed concern over “a concerted effort by the state media to denigrate the constitution-making process through Jonathan Moyo and a few securocrats in Zanu PF.”

The MDC-T officials also claimed political violence was on the increase in the country and expressed concern over “treasonous statements attributed to Zimbabwe Defence Forces Chief of Staff Major General Martin Chedondo that the military should interfere in politics and support Zanu PF”.

“The diplomats were briefed on the disturbing increase in violence and the closing of the democratic space in the country especially the banning and disruption of MDC rallies across the country,” the party said.

“Concern was raised on the continued lack of consultation between the President and Prime Minister on key senior appointments.

“A test case on the illegal appointments of governors will be heard by the High Court this month when Justice George Chiweshe will make a determination as to whether Mugabe acted lawfully by appointing the governors without consulting the Prime Minister.

“Justice Chiweshe was the chairperson of the Zimbabwe Election Commission in March 2008 when the announcement of results of the Presidential election where President Tsvangirai defeated Mugabe was withheld for more than five weeks.”

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(NEWZIMBABWE) Mining taxes top US$311 million

Mining taxes top US$311 million
11/05/2012 00:00:00
by Business Reporter

OVERALL tax paid by the mining sector is estimated around US$311 million, representing about 12 percent of the US$2,6 billion revenue collected in 2011, Chamber of Mines President Winston Chitando has said.

Speaking at the Chamber of Mines AGM in Victoria Falls on Friday, Chitando said incorporating alluvial diamonds mined in the eastern Manicaland province would bump mining’s the contribution to about 18 percent.

"The contribution of the mining sector is expected to grow phenomenally to constitute between 20 percent and 25 percent of the total government revenue by 2016," he said.

"However, total tax paid to government currently consumes approximately 17 percent of mining industry revenue and 60 percent of the sector's profitability."

Credited with helping drive the country’s recovery from a decade-long recession, the mining sector now dominates foreign exchange generation with exports increasing significantly from 20 percent between 1993 and 2003 to 43 percent between 2004 and 2011.

"In 2011 alone the sector contributed US$2,1 billion to national exports, representing 50 percent of the country's total foreign exchange earnings,” Chitando said.

"Output over the same period is estimated to account for 13 percent of GDP with indirect multiplier effects taking the contribution to about 18,4 percent of GDP in total. The indirect multiplier effects include backward linkages such as transport, suppliers and professional services.”

The Chamber also said a regional analysis had revealed that the contribution of the mining sector to GDP for Zimbabwe was comparable to that of Tanzania, South Africa, Namibia and Zambia.

"In fact the contribution of the mining sector in Zimbabwe to GDP is higher than the Sadc region average and that of more diversified economies such as South Africa and Namibia," Chitando said.

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Friday, May 11, 2012


THE NEW TYRANNY: Does The West Have A Future?
by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Global Research, May 10, 2012

Living in America is becoming very difficult for anyone with a moral conscience, a sense of justice, or a lick of intelligence. Consider:

We have had a second fake underwear bomb plot, a much more fantastic one than the first hoax. The second underwear bomber was a CIA operative or informant allegedly recruited by al-Qaeda, an organization that US authorities have recently claimed to be defeated, in disarray, and no longer significant.

This defeated and insignificant organization, which lacks any science and technology labs, has invented an “invisible bomb” that is not detected by the porno-scanners. A “senior law enforcement source” told the New York Times that “the scary part” is that “if they built one, they probably built more.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton declared that “the plot itself indicates that the terrorists keep trying to devise more and more perverse and terrible ways to kill innocent people.” Hillary said this while headlines proclaimed that the US continues to murder woman and children with high-tech drones in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, and Africa. The foiled fake plot, Hillary alleged, serves as “a reminder as to why we have to remain vigilant at home and abroad in protecting our nation and in protecting friendly nations and peoples like India and others.”

FBI Director Robert Mueller told Congress that the fake plot proves the need for warrantless surveillance in order to detect--what, fake plots? In Congress Republican Pete King and Democrat Charles Ruppersberger denounced media for revealing that the plot was a CIA operation, claiming that the truth threatened the war effort and soldiers’ lives.

Even alternative news media initially fell for this fake plot. Apparently, no one stops to wonder how al Qaeda, which has become so disorganized and helpless that it is on the run and left its revered leader, Osama bin Laden, in a Pakistan village alone and unguarded to be murdered by US Navy Seals, could catch the CIA off guard with an “undetectable” bomb, to use the description provided by Senate Intelligence Committee chairman Dianne Feinstein, who was briefed on the device by US intelligence personnel.

Notice that the Secretary of State has committed the bankrupt US and its unravelling social safety net to the protection of “India and others” from terrorists. But the real significance of this latest hoax is to introduce into the fearful American public the idea of an undetectable underwear bomb.

What does this bring to mind? Anyone of my generation or any science fiction aficionado immediately thinks of Robert Heinlein’s The Puppet Masters.

Written in 1951 but set in our time, Earth is invaded by small creatures that attach to the human body and take over the person. The humans become the puppets of their masters. Large areas of America succumb to the invaders before the morons in Washington understand that the invasion is real and not a conspiracy theory.

On clothed humans, the creatures cannot be detected, and the edict goes out that anyone clothed is a suspect. Everyone must go about naked. Women are not even allowed to carry purses in their hand, because the creature can be in the purse attached to the woman’s hand.

Obviously, if the CIA, the news sources, and Dianne Feinstein’s briefers are correct that defeated al-Qaeda has come up with an “undetectable” bomb, we will have to pass through airport security naked.

If so, how will this be possible? If each airline passenger must go through a personal screening by disrobing in a room, how long will it take to clear “airport security”? I doubt there is any place in North or South American that the traveller couldn’t drive there faster. Or perhaps this is an answer to depression level US unemployment. Millions of unemployed Americans will be hired to view naked people before they board airliners.

As the Transportation Safety Administration division of Homeland Security has taken its intrusions, unchallenged, into train, bus, and highway travel, are we faced with the total collapse of the clothing industry? Stay tuned.

A couple of years ago a noted philosopher wrote an article in which he suggested that Americans live in an artificial or virtual reality. Another noted philosopher said that he thought there was a 25% chance that the philosopher was right. I am convinced that he is right. Americans live in the Matrix. Nothing that they know or think that they know is correct.

For example, our non-truth-telling “leaders” continually declare that “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.” This myth is one of the many reasons rolled out to justify American taxpayers’ declining incomes being taxed to provide the Israeli government with the means to murder Palestinians and steal their country.

Israeli democracy a myth you say? Yes, a myth. According to news reports compiled and reported by (May 8), the September 4 Israeli elections have been cancelled, because the “opposition leader Shaul Mofaz is joining the government.”

Mofaz sold out his party for personal power, a typical politician’s behavior.

Mofaz’s treachery produced protests from his followers, but, according to news reports, “israeli police were quick to crack down on the protest, terming it ‘illegal’ and arresting a number of journalists.”

Ah, “Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East.”

In truth Israel is a fascist state, one that has been in violation of international law and Christian morality during the entirely of its existence. Yet, in America Israel is a hallowed icon. Like Bush, Cheney, and Obama, millions of American “christians” worship Israel and believe it is “God’s calling” for Americans to die for Israel.

If you believe in murdering your opponents, not debating with them, dispossessing the powerless, creating a fictional world based on lies and paying the corporate media to uphold the lies and fictional world, you are part of what the rest of the world perceives as “The West.”

Let me back off from being too hard on The West. The French and Greek peoples have shown in the recent elections that they are unplugging from the Matrix and understand that they, the 99%, are being put by their elites in a position to be the sacrificial lambs for the mistakes of the 1% mega-rich, who compete with one another in terms of how many billions of dollars or euros, how many yachts, collections of exotic cars, and exotic Playboy and Penthouse centerfolds they have as personal possessions.

The central banks of the West--the US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank, and the UK bank--are totally committed to the prosperity of the mega-rich. No one else counts. Marx and Lenin never had a target as exists today. Yet, the left-wing is today so feeble and brainwashed that it does not exist as even a minor countervailing power. The American left-wing has even accepted the absurd official account of 9/11 and of Osama bin Laden’s murder in Pakistan by Navy Seals. A movement so devoid of mental and emotional strength is useless. It might as well not exist.

People without valid information are helpless, and that is where Western peoples are. The new tyranny is arising in the West, not in Russia and China. The danger to humanity is in the nuclear button briefcase in the Oval Office and in the brainwashed and militant Amerikan population, the most totally disinformed and ignorant people on earth.

Paul Craig Roberts is a frequent contributor to Global Research. Global Research Articles by Paul Craig Roberts

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(CNN) JPMorgan faces backlash over ties to Sudan

JPMorgan faces backlash over ties to Sudan
By Hibah Yousuf @CNNMoneyInvest May 11, 2012: 8:12 AM ET

JPMorgan's board of directors, which CEO Jamie Dimon chairs, recommends that shareholders vote against a proposal that calls for avoiding investments in companies that contribute to genocide, including PetroChina.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- For the second year in a row, JPMorgan Chase is recommending shareholders vote against a proposal calling for the bank to stop investing in companies that "substantially contribute to genocide or crimes against humanity."

Specifically, the proposal points to JPMorgan's big stake in Chinese oil giant PetroChina (PTR), the publicly-traded arm of China National Petroleum Company, which has been widely recognized and condemned for helping finance genocide in Sudan.

According to a filing with the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last month, JPMorgan (JPM, Fortune 500) owns nearly 1.3 billion Hong Kong-listed shares of PetroChina worth almost $1.8 billion, making it PetroChina's largest U.S.-based shareholder.

Though JPMorgan's investment in PetroChina is legal, citizen-led nonprofit Investors Against Genocide says it "works against the spirit" of the U.S. government's economic sanctions on Sudan.

In its urge to reject the proposal, JPMorgan's board said its business practices already "reflect our support and respect for the protection of fundamental human rights and the prevention of crimes against humanity" and noted that "a vast majority" of the shares of PetroChina owned by JPMorgan are "at the direction of our customers, who are the share owners."

JPMorgan suffers big loss

Investors Against Genocide argues that JPMorgan's unwillingness to establish a policy forcing it to avoid investing in companies that are tied to genocide when it invests on its own behalf is a problem, no matter how small the stake may be.

The proposal also points out that a big chunk of PetroChina holdings is tied to JPMorgan's wealth management business. While customers are involved in choosing an appropriate asset allocation strategy, they are rarely involved in picking individual securities, said Eric Cohen, co-founder and chairman of Investors Against Genocide.

That means those investors are "inadvertently investing in these terrible companies that are helping to fund genocide and have no idea," said Cohen.

JPMorgan declined to comment.
Occupy boardroom: Shareholders revolt

Last year, Investors Against Genocide's proposal attracted less than 8% of JPMorgan shareholders' votes of support.

This year, the group is campaigning hard, although the outcome of the votes won't be revealed until JPMorgan's shareholder meeting next Tuesday. Shareholders vote for or against proposals included in the annual proxy in the days leading up to the shareholder meeting.

The proposal was sponsored by Investors Against Genocide co-founder and director of strategic initiatives William Rosenfeld. The Securities and Exchange Commission requires shareholders to own at least $2,000 in company stock for one year to be eligible to file a shareholder proposal.
Global oil production trouble - it's not just Iran

Representatives from Investors Against Genocide attended the Council of Institutional Investors' spring meeting last month in Washington, D.C., to meet with managers of some of the nation's largest pension funds and endowments, including Pat Doherty, the director of corporate governance for the $140 billion New York State Common Retirement Fund.

"The discussion was very informative," said Doherty, adding that the pension fund is voting in favor of the proposal as a result. The New York State Common Retirement Fund has a $604.2 million stake in JPMorgan, making it among its top 10 holdings. Voting for the proposal is an extension of an existing policy that prohibits the state's pension fund from investing in companies doing business in Sudan or Iran, including PetroChina.

Similarly, Florida's pension fund, which holds $292 million worth of JPMorgan shares, has also voted in favor of the proposal with adherence to the state's legislation that forbids investment in companies involved in Sudan or Iran, said Michael McCauley, senior officer of investment programs and governance at the Florida State Board of Administration.
Calpers: We're getting even more activist

Investors Against Genocide is also hopeful that investors who voted in favor of the proposal last year will show their support again, including T. Rowe Price, JPMorgan's sixth-largest shareholder, which holds more than 2% of the bank's outstanding shares worth about $3.3 billion.

T. Rowe Price (TROW) completed selling all of its shares of PetroChina in 2008 because it posed "high risk due to their ties to the Sudanese government and its connection to human rights abuses." The Baltimore-based mutual fund giant still maintains a policy that excludes those companies from consideration for investment.

"We are picking up more support this year," said Cohen of Investors Against Genocide. "What it will amount to, we don't know, but it won't be for lack of trying. We'll continue to submit proposals to JPMorgan until we are successful in getting them to establish a policy."
0:00 /2:54Dimon: U.S. has a 'royal straight flush'

Regardless of the ultimate fate of this year's proposal, Doherty said growing support for it "sends a message of significant shareholder concern, which can certainly push companies to make a change."

In 2010, American Funds divested its $190 million investment from PetroChina following pressure from Investors Against Genocide and shareholder proposals advocating "genocide-free investing."
Entrepreneurs should be watching Africa

In addition to JPMorgan, Investors Against Genocide is also pushing other investment firms to divest from companies that have ties to the Sudanese government, and in turn, the Darfur genocide.

The group plans to submit a shareholder proposal to Franklin Resources (BEN, Fortune 500), the holding company for Franklin Templeton Investments, at its next shareholder meeting. Franklin is PetroChina's second-largest U.S.-based shareholder in the company, just behind JPMorgan.

"The conditions in the Darfur region of Sudan are deplorable, and we support efforts toward positive and meaningful reform there," Franklin Templeton Investment says in a statement posted on its website, declining further comment. However, the firm also noted that there is considerable debate about whether divestment will "prove effective" in changing those conditions.



(POSTZAMBIA, BBC) Malawi devalues kwacha by 33%

COMMENT - How odd. President Bingu wa Mutharika dies, and immediately the neoliberal economic policies that he, as an oldfashioned economist, rejected as economically destructive, are pushed through. Shame on Joyce Banda. It are Malawians who are paying the price for this standard issue neoliberal currency devaluation. If you want to know why and when Malawi itself came under economic sanctions for busting the supposedly non-existent economic sanctions against Zimbabwe, by an operative of British Military Intelligence, read: (NYASATIMES) EU petitioned to suspend aid to Malawi over bankrolling Mugabe. Brigadier van Orden who is also head of the 'Zimbabwe Vigil', who admit that they are using anti-Apartheid tactics, even though they are advocating for rule by Anglo-American De Beers and were the champions of apartheid until Zimbabwe's liberation in April, 1980.

Malawi devalues kwacha by 33%
By BBC News
Tue 08 May 2012, 15:10 CAT

New President Joyce Banda has reversed several of her predecessor's policies
Shoppers in Malawi have been scrambling to buy basic goods, fearing huge price rises after the currency was devalued by 33%.

The BBC's Raphael Tenthani in Blantyre says that many shops had run out of staple foods such as sugar, cooking oil and bread by the end of Monday. The kwacha was devalued as part of moves by the new government to restore donor funding.

The former government had rejected IMF calls to devalue the currency.

Our reporter says that other goods such as rice, maize flour and orange squash were running short in Blantyre's Chichiri shopping centre - the main retail area in Malawi's biggest city.

He has been told that the same panic-buying is also happening in Malawi's main towns.

The scramble comes despite economists saying they did not expect the devaluation to immediately lead to higher prices, as many businesses were expecting the move and were already using the new exchange rate.

The central bank announced that one dollar would now be worth 250 kwacha, up from 168, while the peg to the US currency would be scrapped.

"The devaluation of the kwacha and the liberalisation of the foreign exchange market are expected to continue the government's efforts to reach agreement with the IMF," said Reserve Bank of Malawi Governor Charles Chuka, adding that this would hopefully lead to more donor funding in the next few months.

The International Monetary Fund has long urged Malawi to cut the value of its currency, saying this would boost exports and reduce demand for imports.

However, former President Bingu wa Mutharika, who died in April, had rejected the calls, fearing it would increase inflation.

New President Joyce Banda is trying to improve relations with donors and get aid restored.

In recent years, Malawi has run short of foreign currency after donors cut aid and demand fell for its main export, tobacco.

[Donors cut aid because Malawi busted the economic sanctions against Zimbabwe. Read:

(NYASATIMES) EU petitioned to suspend aid to Malawi over bankrolling Mugabe - MrK]

This led to a lack of fuel in the country.

In the four weeks she has been in power, President Banda has reversed several government policies.

Last week, she said she did not want Sudan's President Omar al-Bashir, accused of war crimes, to attend a summit in July.

She says she feared the "economic implications" if Mr Bashir attended the African Union meeting in the country.

[Translation: 'economic implications' = economic sanctions. - MrK]

She has also fired Mutharika's widow, Callista, from her job as coordinator for safe motherhood, the AFP news agency reports.

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Thursday, May 10, 2012

(NEWZIMBABWE) No quick EU sanctions deal, decision in July

No quick EU sanctions deal, decision in July
10/05/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

TALKS between the European Union and Zimbabwe ended in Brussels Thursday with no agreement on the easing of sanctions. Ministers Patrick Chinamasa [Zanu PF], Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga [MDC] and Elton Mangoma [MDC-T] represented parties to the coalition government during the meeting with the EU’s foreign policy chief, Catherine Ashton.

Chinamasa told state radio that the Zimbabwe delegation had made a strong case for the removal of the sanctions which were imposed in 2002 over allegations of rights abuses and electoral fraud by President Robert Mugabe’s government.

He said Ashton had indicated she would refer Zimbabwe’s call for the removal of the sanctions to a meeting of the 27 EU countries in July.
"We pointed out that the sanctions had no justification and should not remain," Chinamasa said.

“We spoke with one voice on the issue of sanctions and Ashton continued to sing the same old story that the sanctions were imposed because of the 2008 elections, which of course is not true.

“Sanctions were in fact imposed as far back as 2002 after we embarked on the land acquisition exercise. We are not worried about the past, we have pointed out that we should now move towards normalising our relations with the EU and agree on taking the matter forward.”

In a statement, the EU said: "The meeting between Ashton and the Zimbabwe ministerial re-engagement team was a constructive step in the process in which the EU is committed to re-engagement.

“The Zimbabwe re-engagement team pressed the case for a full removal of sanctions to increase the level playing field and enhance the prospects for full implementation of the Global Political Agreement.”

The EU recognised progress to date and encouraged the reform process to continue in the same positive direction, allowing progress towards normalisation of relations.

“It was agreed Zimbabwe would follow up the meeting with a letter setting out their case, which the EU side would consider before the end of July.”

The EU partially eased the sanctions in February, removing a visa ban and asset freeze on 51 of the targeted 150 people and 20 of 30 companies on the sanctions list.

But it maintained sanctions against President Robert Mugabe and most senior members of his inner circle as well as top officials in his Zanu PF party.

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(GLOBALRESEARCH) Haiti to be Fleeced of its Riches by Canadian Corporations

Haiti to be Fleeced of its Riches by Canadian Corporations
by Dady Chery
Global Research, May 10, 2012
Black Agenda Report - 2012-05-08

Haiti’s mineral wealth is marked for super-exploitation by a Canadian corporation that has already wreaked havoc in the neighboring Dominican Republic. Mining companies claim the gold and silver reserves were only recently discovered, but “the story could just as well be that the mining executives were biding their time and waiting for a non-nationalistic government to take effect before initiating their projects.” The operation requires construction of a deep-water port in Haiti’s northeast, threatening the country’s marine ecosystems. “This mining plan will permanently strip the country of much of its mineral, cultural, and ecological wealth.”
Show me a corporate boss who calls Haiti the “poorest country in the western hemisphere,” and I’ll show you a con artist preparing to fleece Haiti.

Likewise, show me a western technocrat who bemoans Haiti’s “dramatic deforestation due to charcoal production” and I’ll show a bio-pirate or vandal preparing to wreck Haiti’s remaining cloud-forest and mangrove-forest ecosystems.

It turns out that the real plan for Haiti’s northeastern region — especially the Caracol Bay area — is one that was hatched by Canadian mining corporations, with the U.S and South Korean sweatshop zone being a side project and distraction. If this mining plan is given a green light while Haiti is under foreign occupation, it will permanently strip the country of much of its mineral, cultural, and ecological wealth.

In a recent interview with Canada’s Financial Post, Majescor Resources CEO Dan Hachey was effusive about Michel Martelly’s installment as president because he expects Martelly’s policy of mimicking the Dominican Republic (DR) to be a boon to the mining sector.

Hachey enthusiastically noted that, “thirty years ago, there was no mining sector to speak of in the Dominican Republic…. In that short period of time they’ve seen the development of the Pueblo Viejo Project [of Barrick and Goldcorp's], which is one of the world’s largest gold deposits — and is pretty much a neighbor of ours. They’re going to be coming on with production this year.”

“The real plan for Haiti’s northeastern region is one that was hatched by Canadian mining corporations.”

This glowing picture omits the fact that Barrick and Goldcorp have come under strong popular opposition in the DR (where 20% of the population lacks access to drinking water) for polluting 2,500 cubic meters of water per hour with the vast quantities of cyanide needed to process 24,000 tons of ore a day by opencast (or open pit) mining. This method of mining is banned by the European Union. Activists in the DR have joined forces with a broader group called Observatorio de Conflictos Mineros de America Latina (OCMAL) that has launched a campaign to end this practice in the region.

There is great concern that the DR’s biggest water reservoir, which is close to the mining operations, is continuously at risk of cyanide contamination, since stories of spills and massive fish die offs caused by mining companies are legion. Barrick and Goldcorp have also been accused of dynamiting mountainsand destroying Taino Indian archeological sites.

Like the Pueblo Viejo region of the DR currently under exploitation, the area being eyed for mining in Haiti — a 50-square-kilometer property called Somine — is replete with archeological sites and situated along a metal-rich mountain ridge, running from southeast DR to northern Haiti, and now called the Massif du Nord Metallogenic (or Mineralization) Belt.

“The DR’s biggest water reservoir is continuously at risk of cyanide contamination.”

Somine is owned jointly by Haiti’s elite and Majescor, a relatively small company that conducts mineral surveys. The Somine area is surrounded by other mining properties owned jointly by Majescor and larger concerns like Eurasian Minerals and Newmont Mining. Once Majescor’s surveys are complete, it plans to find a big partner, like Barrick or Newmont, to handle the extractive part of the project.

Curiously, the area of Somine was initially surveyed as early as “the 1970s by the UN Development Program, with some very good results [but the project was not pursued, then] there was a feasibility study done by the Germans in 1980, and there was further drilling done in the 1990s by a Canadian junior,” recalled Hachey.

The official story is that an abundance of copper had until recently obscured the fact that the area’s ore is also rich in silver and gold, and this was discovered from Majescor’s recent prospects of Douvray, Blondin and Faille B. However, the story could just as well be that the mining executives were biding their time and waiting for a non-nationalistic government to take effect before initiating their projects.

According to Hachey, April 11 [2012] assays from Blondin found:

0.45% copper over 96.5 meters;
0.3% copper over 12 meters, including 0.61% copper over 1.5 meters;
154 grams of silver per tonne (g/t) over 12 meters, including 869 g/t silver over 1.5 meters.

March 13 results from Blondin discovered:

72.4 g/t silver over 15 meters;
16.9 g/t silver over 113 meters, including 6.2 g/t silver over 1.5 meters;
0.43% copper over 113 meters, including 4.44% copper over 1.5 meters.

February 1 results from Douvray discovered:

255 g/t silver over 13.5 meters, including 2,069 g/t silver over 1.5 meters;
0.35% copper over 13.5 meters, including 0.52% copper over 1.5 meters;
0.02 g/t gold over 13.5 meters, including 0.04 g/t gold over 1.5 meters;
277 g/t silver over 13.5 meters, including 1,428 g/t silver over 1.5 meters;
0.18% copper over 13.5 meters, including 0.52% copper over 1.5 meters;
0.04 g/t gold over 13.5 meters, including 0.04 g/t gold over 1.5 meters.

These highly concentrated deposits of copper, silver and gold should reasonably represent a newfound wealth for Haiti at a time of dire need of resources for the country’s reconstruction. But if the DR is to serve as an example, Haiti will not benefit from its minerals. In the DR, Barrick owns 60% of the Pueblo Viejo gold mine and Goldcorp Inc. owns the remaining 40%. To get a sense of the scale of the greed, one need only consider that currently the Pueblo Viejo mine is slated to produce one million ounces of gold per year at a cost of only US$20-50/oz, making it one of the lowest-cost gold mines in the world.

“If the DR is to serve as an example, Haiti will not benefit from its minerals.”

Hachey comments with evident enthusiasm:

“What we’re most excited about is that we found some silver which was never really realized before. It’s the first silver discovery in Haiti.

“Part of the reason why it was never really discovered was that historically there was so much copper prevalent — there’s a lot of outcropping at surface. The people who did the work before did not do much testing, even for gold.

“The geology is a little complex for a copper porphyry, but in a good way. The surprises that we’re getting are all good ones.”

As major draws for a big mining partner to this next phase of the project, Hachey is advertising that, unlike Port-au-Prince, which was destroyed by the earthquake, Cap Haitien is a pleasant place for a Canadian mining executive and his family to come to. In addition he notes that there are plans for “the construction of a deep-water port at Caracol,” only 15 kilometres from Somine and near Cap-Haïtien.

This first official announcement of a deep-water port for Caracol explains in part why there has been no effort to mitigate the ecological effects of the massive free-trade (sweatshop) zone inaugurated in March 2012 in that area: the textile factories’ contributions to the degradation of Caracol Bay should be trivial compared to the damage from opencast gold mining and construction of a deep-water port.

Dady Chery grew up at the heart of an extended working-class family in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She emigrated to New York when she was fourteen and since then has traveled throughout the world and lived in Europe and several North American cities. She writes in English, French, and her native Créole. She holds a doctorate. She can be contacted at dc(at)

Global Research Articles by Dady Chery

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Sata questions EU, opposition meeting

Sata questions EU, opposition meeting
By Moses Kuwema and Mwala Kalaluka
Thu 10 May 2012, 17:40 CAT

PRESIDENT Michael Sata says his government takes strong exception to foreign diplomats who interfere in the country's internal affairs.

President Sata's remarks come in the wake of a meeting held by some representatives from opposition parties with the European Union in Zambia over the suspension of three judges.

Speaking at State House yesterday when outgoing Canadian High Commissioner to Zambia and Tanzania, Robert Orr bade farewell to him, President Sata urged the Minister of Foreign Affairs and tourism to look into the matter.

"You Canada have not interfered in our local affairs, when we were a dependent country. What we have seen, some people…most of our laws in Zambia are derived from the Commonwealth and the European Union. And when we find that our colleagues are interfering in the internal affairs of Zambia, we take strong exception. The Minister of Foreign Affairs should have a look. When diplomats start entertaining opposition, we don't do it in Canada, why should they do it here? We don't do it in Europe, why should they do it here?" President Sata wondered.

On Tuesday, opposition political party leaders met European Union officials in Lusaka over the suspension of judges and the setting up of a tribunal to investigate them.

The diplomats have allegedly also been meeting some people from Western Province.

Sources said a delegation from Western Province is in Lusaka to make presentations to diplomatic missions accredited to Zambia over secession.

Sources told The Post yesterday that the delegation that was headed by Ngambela Sinyinda and some indunas counsellors had already made presentations to the Russian Embassy and was yet to meet other diplomats as a build-up towards Barotse-land's 'declaration of a dispute' with Zambia.

"Their representations are based on the resolution of the Barotse National Council to be independent from Zambia," said a source. "The delegation recently met officials from the Russian Embassy. They are scheduled to meet the Finns today yesterday and they are also going to meet officials from the US Embassy next week."

Other sources said the BNC delegation had already sent requests for an appointment with the Netherlands Embassy but that they were yet to get a response.

And President Sata said Zambia was grateful to Canada for the aid it provided in the past.

He said the decision by Canada to cut aid to Zambia was understood because of the difficulties the world was going through.

"We understand the difficulties the world is going through and since the Canadians were decent enough to tell us to say they cannot continue, they have got their own difficulties. We have some other Western countries who cannot afford, they are reducing on the number of missions and we have no choice. We are very grateful to the Canadian government. I am very grateful, you have come and I hope you have enjoyed your stay in Africa," he said.

President Sata said Zambia had continued to learn a great deal from former British colonies such as Canada and New Zealand.

He said Zambia was still benefiting from Canada in terms of education and other areas.

"We wish we could have more. As you have seen, Zambia is still developing after 48 years, we are still a developing nation," President Sata said.

And High Commissioner Orr said Zambia and his country had worked together closely in a variety of ways and it was important for the two countries to continue to do so.

High Commissioner Orr said the relationship between Zambia and Canada was growing particularly on the commercial side.

"As you said, the relationship between Canada and Zambia has been very strong since the time of independence. In fact, its mature, it is growing particularly on the commercial side now and there is progress. We look forward to continuing strong relationships with Zambia in future. We have worked closely together in a variety of ways and I think that is important and we will continue to do so. There are other things Canada has to learn from Zambia as well," High Commissioner Orr said.

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Let's take responsibility for our wrongs

COMMENT - This article is so general it is hard to understand who or what 'wrongdoing' they are talking about.

Let's take responsibility for our wrongs
By The Post
Wed 09 May 2012, 12:50 CAT

Most Zambians don't believe in the law of hate. They may not always be true to their ideals, but they generally seem to believe in the law of love, and with love one can do nothing with hatred. We would like to see a time when everyone loves their neighbour, as comrade KK always reminds us.

When one loves their neighbours as they love themselves, there will be very few cases of corruption, abuse of power or office in our country. When you love your neighbour as you love thyself, it is not easy for you to do anything that disadvantages them.

We would therefore advise patience; we would advise tolerance; we would advise understanding, we would advise all those things which are necessary for people to live together.
We would never advise revenge. You can't build a united nation on the basis of revenge. If you want to mobilise every section of the population, you can't do it with feelings of hatred and revenge.

But this is not to say wrongdoing should be tolerated and wrongdoers allowed to go scot-free. No. There has to be accountability and people have to be responsible for their actions or their deeds. We must be firm but just in our demands for accountability; we must avoid witch-hunts, which are foreign to our methods, our principles, and to the Christian character of our people.

It is not good for people to deny responsibility for what they have done and accuse those who are trying to make them accountable of witch-hunts. The word witch-hunt wouldn't be part of our people's vocabulary if people who have committed wrongs quickly own up when they are called to account.

We have people who have stolen or abused public funds, yet claim to be innocent and pretend to have done nothing wrong. And they even go as far as mobilising their clans, tribesmen to defend their crimes knowingly or in ignorance. They try to make innocent people who are simply doing their duty to hold those who hold public office accountable look bad or evil, vengeful in the eyes of our people.

This is not good. But this is part of the dishonesty we were talking about yesterday based on the observations made by Fr Thomas Matteiu. If you are not honest with yourself and with others, you can steal. And if you can steal, you can kill. This is the behaviour of corrupt elements in this country.

They don't want to be responsible for the wrongs they have done, show contrition and apologise to their fellow citizens, even if it means them serving jail. Some of them appeal all the way to the Supreme Court and at the end of the day when their convictions are held by all the levels of our courts, they still never care to apologise and show contrition for what they had done.

Sometimes even honest people lose it and commit crimes.

But the difference between an honest person who commits a crime and an outright crook, a person who is a crook through and through, is that whereas the former shows contrition and apologises, the latter never shows any remorse and simply goes on to continue denying their wrongdoing even when it's clear to all.

There is no witch-hunt going on right now in our country. Those who are being pursued on suspicions of wrongdoing are being pursued legitimately and on good grounds. Where there are suspicions of wrong doing, law enforcement officers need to investigate and satisfy themselves that no crime was committed. But in the process of doing so, the suspects will be questioned. And this is not witch-hunting.

This is a normal process of law enforcement. If the law enforcement officers find that one has committed no crime, that person is left alone. But if they are found wanting, further investigations are carried out which may end in an arrest and prosecution. Again, this is not a witch-hunt but a legitimate law enforcement process. Crime has to be fought.

And in every crime, there are suspects. And a suspect is not a convict. And because a suspect is not a convict, sometimes further investigations may free them from any suspicion of wrongdoing. At times this process goes on until the end of the prosecution for suspects to be cleared of any wrongdoing.

This is not witch-hunt. It is a normal law enforcement process and part of our judicial process.
Law enforcement in this country would be much easier if people were honest and in one way or another, tried to adhere to the Christian principles they espouse.

If people were quick to admit their wrongs and took responsibility for what they have done, it would be very difficult for anyone to accuse our law enforcement officers of witch-hunts.

It is not easy to investigate cases of wrongdoing, especially of corruption, in an environment that is characterised by a deep-rooted culture of dishonesty where people can easily collude and to crack the matter, it has to take a lot of time and effort.

Let's always bear in mind that the life of every citizen of this country is inevitably mixed with that of every other citizen and, no matter what laws we pass, no matter what precautions we take, unless the people we meet, we share this country with are kindly and decent and human, then there can be no honest society in our homeland.

Honesty, integrity and decency come from human beings, rather than from laws and institutions. We all know there has been corruption in this country, there has been misuse of public resources and power.

This cannot be denied. And if it is true that public resources have been misused, misapplied, misappropriated, then who did it? There has to be a human being behind all this. And when the human being behind all this is being sought, we say it is witch-hunt, we cry foul! How? Why?

And as Bishop John Mambo says, "we know that misuse of power, resources was there and is still rampant", why should we cry witch-hunt when people are being asked to account, to take responsibility for what they did?
Making people responsible or accountable for what they did is not witch-hunt. This is something that every decent human being should do on their own or should easily co-operate with when they are asked to.



Nzamane vows to remain an enemy of poverty

Nzamane vows to remain an enemy of poverty
By Christopher Miti in Chipata
Thu 10 May 2012, 17:50 CAT

SENIOR Chief Nzamane of the Ngoni people says he will always remain an enemy of poverty.

Speaking when Luangeni independent member of parliament Charles Zulu and Chipata mayor Goodson Thole paid a courtesy call on him on Tuesday, chief Nzamane said it was unfortunate that some people invite poverty in their lives by not listening to proper advice aimed at eradicating poverty.

"I don't want poverty (in my area) even hunger I don't want it, even diseases, I don't want them but it is difficult to avoid," chief Nzamane said.

He urged his subjects to safeguard things that belong to the community.

Chief Nzamane said the people should take care of things such as the local court that was located at his palace.

He said the introduction of solar water pumps was welcome in the area.

Chief Nzamane said there was need for more sensitisation programmes on the solar water pumps.

And Zulu who is also mines, energy and water development deputy minister said he was in the constituency with engineers from his ministry to assess the area before the introduction of solar water pumps.

He said it was important to meet the local leadership before the introduction of the new programme.

Zulu also cautioned the contractor who was constructing Chikando High School to do a good job.

He said the government had set aside K23 billion for the project and that it could not be good for a contractor to do a shoddy job.

Thole who is also Chikando ward councillor said the community in the area needs a strong school.

Zulu and Thole put Marike engineers limited site engineer Charles Kalota to task over the sub-standard crushed stones that were allegedly being used.

Kalota pledged that his company would do a good job and ensure that the works were completed on schedule.

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Hollande's election progressive - Chitala

Hollande's election progressive - Chitala
By Allan Mulenga
Thu 10 May 2012, 17:40 CAT

DR Mbita Chitala has asked newly-elected France President Francois Hollande to come up with progressive policies towards African countries.

Commenting on Hollande's election as France's first left-wing President in 17 years, Dr Chitala, who is Zambia Research Foundation executive director, said the victory was a clear testimony that social democracy was on the rise.

"The election of Francois Hollande as France President is obviously very progressive. You can see that social democracy is on the rise.

They had this issue of austerity and making people suffer should not be the function of governments and states. The purpose of governments is to make people happy and that is why even the conservatives in London, United Kingdom during the last elections lost by more than 400 councils and Labour Party, which has a social programme was elected," he said.

Dr Chitala, who is also former ambassador to Libya, said Nicolas Sarkozy was rejected because of bad policies, particularly towards African countries.

"As you know he was a person who even caused the invasion of Libya, where I was last ambassador in a sphere where the African Union was seeking for diplomatic solutions. For us really it is good for Africa and we also hope that Mr Hollande can come up with progressive policies towards Africa. He has not yet announced what programmes he has for Africa particularly in Franco-Africa where they had used troops in Ivory Coast and we need to know," he said.

Dr Chitala hoped that President Hollande would be supportive to the AU and the entire continent.

"By and large, the election of President Francois Hollande appears to be a progressive thing. We are looking forward that he will be much more supportive of the African Union and formulate programmes which powerful countries are involved in," said Dr Chitala.

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William Banda joins UPND

William Banda joins UPND
By Abigail Sitenge
Thu 10 May 2012, 17:40 CAT

WILLIAM Banda has defected to the United Party for National Development, saying he has been inspired by the leadership of Hakainde Hichilema. But SACCORD says it is surprised that the UPND had welcomed Banda to the party despite his violent behaviour.

Banda, the former MMD Lusaka Province chairperson, announced his defection during a briefing organised by the UPND yesterday.

"In politics you never know who becomes what; I decided to join the UPND because I know most of the people were saying that UPND is a party for only Tongas. Now, I am not a Tonga, I am coming to you," he said.

"For those who do not understand the political arrangement of this country, I want to remind them that UPND is not a party for Tongas, it is for Zambians. When the UPND started, other tribes like my tribe, like myself did not want to join you because we thought it was joking. Let me remind you that politics in Zambia was started by Tongas."

Banda, who last week relinquished his position as Lusaka Province chairperson, accused MMD national secretary Major Richard Kachingwe of abrogating the party constitution.

He warned that the MMD was headed for doom if Maj Kachingwe remained party secretary because he was trying to hound out of the party those challenging wrong decisions.

But Maj Kachingwe said Banda had brought hooliganism in MMD and that he tormented a lot of people.

He said having Banda out of the party leadership was good riddance.

"People are celebrating in compounds if he doesn't know. I have received text messages. Spare me well, Mr Tekere. He (Banda) has tormented a lot of people. We imported terror in MMD and there are boys who are looking for him," Maj Kachingwe had said.

Meanwhile, UPND Lusaka youth chairperson Edwin Bauleni has urged members to accommodate Banda and others who have defected with him and ensure that they work together for the benefit of the party.

And UPND political advisor to the president Douglas Siakalima, in welcoming Banda to the party, said it was unusual for members of opposition parties to join another opposition political party.

"It is unusual for people to join an opposition political party. In normal circumstances, these people would have gone to PF, the ruling government so this is why I pay special tribute to these people," Siakalima said.

He said if being a president was determined by writing an examination, Hichilema would have been a president a long time ago.

"He is brilliant, he is a modest person, but the only thing why he is not president is these numbers which were lacking," said Siakalima.

But Southern Africa Centre for Constructive Resolutions of Disputes information officer Obby Chibuluma in an interview said Banda did not add any value to any political party now.

"To us we feel that Mr Banda does not add any value to any political party at this stage, his record is very bad. He has been well known for violence during his political career in the MMD as way back at the time he was in UNIP and for the UPND to welcome him it's actually very surprising," he said.

Chibuluma hoped that the 'UPND would not rush into giving Banda positions.

"We hope that the UPND will not go a step further to even give him positions because surely the best Mr Banda would have done is to retire from politics," added Chibuluma.

Banda is appearing in court for alleged violence in Chongwe ahead of last year's elections.

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Liato concealed K2.1bn in a suspicious fashion - DPP

Liato concealed K2.1bn in a suspicious fashion - DPP
By Namatama Mundia
Wed 09 May 2012, 14:00 CAT

DIRECTOR of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito says Austin Liato concealed the K2.1 billion in a suspicious fashion.

According to the state's final submissions, Nchito urged Lusaka principal resident magistrate Aridah Chulu to convict Liato in the face of the strong evidence against him. He submitted that the K2.1 billion could reasonably be suspected of being proceeds of crime.

This is in a case in which former labour minister Liato is charged with possession of property suspected of being proceeds of crime contrary to Section 71(1) of the forfeiture of proceeds of crime Act No. 19 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia.

It is alleged that Liato on November 24, 2011 in Lusaka, possessed and concealed money at his farm number L/Mpamba/44, Mwembeshi amounting to K2.1 billion reasonably suspected of being proceeds of crime but he pleaded not guilty.

Liato is being represented by Nellie Mutti, Mutemwa Mutemwa and Moses Chitambala.

"From the evidence on record, it is clear that the accused was in possession of the K2.1 billion that is in issue in this case," he said. "It is also clear that he concealed the money in a suspicious fashion."

Nchito submitted that from the evidence on record the only inference that could be drawn was that the property in question could reasonably be suspected of being proceeds of crime.

"In terms of the international practice which is now Law in Zambia, someone who is found with the kind of money that the accused possessed cannot simply say 'It is my money' without showing how and where it was earned," he said.

He submitted that the defence's assertion that the prosecution was required to show the criminal source of the funds could not stand.

Nchito submitted that section 71(3) of the forfeiture of proceeds of crime Act No.19 of 2010 clearly states that "The offence under subsection (1) is not predicted on proof of the commission of a serious offence or foreign offence".

"It is clear that if the accused person did not discredit or dispute the
prosecution's evidence, hence his decision to elect to remain silent when he was put on his defence. In the case of the People v Kalenga and Mufumu (1968) Z.R 181 (H.C), it was held that 'The accussed's silence in the face of strong evidence against him strengthens the inference that he is guilty'," he said.

Nchito also cited another case of Simutenda v The People where it was held that there is no obligation on an accused person to give evidence, but where an accused person does not give evidence, the court would not speculate as to possible explanations for the event in question.

"The court's duty is to draw the proper inference from evidence it has before it. A court is not required to deal with every possible defence that may be open to an accused person unless there is some evidence to support the defence in question," said Nchito.

A combined team of law enforcement officers last November unearthed and seized K2.1 billion cash from Liato's farm in Lusaka West.

Police, Anti-Corruption Commission and the Drug Enforcement Commission officers undertook a two-hour joint operation to uncover and seize the money buried in two trunks at Liato's farm in Mwembeshi area.

The stacks of cash were in K50,000 notes.

Judgment has been set for May 24, 2012.

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(DEAN HENDERSON BLOG) The Rothschild’s South Sudan Oil Grab

The Rothschild’s South Sudan Oil Grab
July 17, 2011 — Dean Henderson

On July 9, 2011 South Sudan became the world’s 193rd nation. Less than a week later violence has erupted in South Kordofan, an area on the new border between Sudan and South Sudan which is controlled by Sudan and rich in oil. Not content with the seizure of South Sudan’s oilfields, the Rothschild-led Eight Families banking cartel looks set to push the new border further north, grabbing yet more crude oil from the Sudanese people.

For decades Western intelligence agencies backed the Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in an attempt to lop off the southern half of Sudan for the Four Horsemen of Oil. The region contains 75% of Sudan’s oil reserves. What became Africa’s longest running civil war finally came to an end when Sudanese President Omar Hassan al-Bashir was pressured into ceding the southern part of his country to the IMF/World Bank vampires after the conflict they created left more than 2 million people dead.[1]

Within days of declaring itself a sovereign nation, South Sudan’s state oil company, Nilepet formed a joint venture with Glencore International Plc to market its oil. Glencore is controlled by the Rothschilds. The PetroNile joint venture will be 51 percent controlled by Nilepet and 49 percent by Glencore. [2]

On Friday South Sudan’s new President Salva Kiir Mayardit signed a law formally establishing the Central Bank of South Sudan. Sudan is one of five countries – along with Cuba, North Korea, Syria and Iran – whose central bank is not under the control of the Rothschild-led Eight Families central banking cartel. It is therefore no coincidence that the currency of this newest Rothschild oil fiefdom is called the South Sudan Pound. [3]

Already in 1993 Sudanese President al-Bashir had accused Saudi Arabia of providing arms to Johnny Garung’s Sudanese People’s Liberation Army (SPLA). The Israeli Mossad also supplied the SPLA for years through Kenya with CIA approval. In 1996 the Clinton Administration announced that military aid to Ethiopia, Eritrea and Uganda was to be used to arm the SPLA for an offensive on Khartoum. [4]

When that bloody endeavor failed, the Eight Families henchmen began arming rebels in Chad. Chad has long been an important country in both Exxon Mobil and Chevron Texaco’s North Africa oil production schemes. Chadian President Idriss Déby , who came to power in 1991, was cozy with Big Oil. He also ranked 16th on Parade Magazine’s 2009 World’s Worst Dictator list. [5]

The Chad-based rebels had two purposes. The CIA’s House of Saud paymaster provided support for the National Front for Salvation (NFS), which attempted to overthrow Libyan President Mohamar Qaddafi. In 1990, following a successful Libyan-backed counter-coup against the Chad government which was sponsoring the NFS, the US evacuated 350 NFS leaders with Saudi financing. The US restored $5 million in aid to the dictatorial Kenyan government of Daniel Arap Moi so that Kenya would house the NFS leaders, whom other African governments refused to take. Arap Moi later figured in CIA covert operations in Somalia, where the Saudis had also financed counterinsurgency. [6]

Western intelligence agencies then used the government of Chad to finance the Justice & Equality Movement (JEM). From bases in Chad, these terrorists launched forays into the Darfur region of Sudan, creating a massive refugee crisis, while opening a second northern front in Big Oil’s SPLA-led southern flank war against Sudan. [7]

Western media predictably blamed the conflict in Darfur completely on the Sudanese government and the liberal idiocracy was led along by their naive noses, ala Yugoslavia. In March 2009 the Eight Families’ favorite kangaroo court – the International Criminal Court (ICC) – charged Sudanese President al-Bashir with war crimes. There was no mention of JEM in the ICC charges.

By the end of August 2006, Chad’s President Déby had taken a left turn, calling for Chad to get a 60% stake of its domestic oil output after decades of receiving “crumbs” from the foreign companies which ran the industry. He singled out Chevron and Petronas for refusing to pay taxes totalling $486.2 million. [8]

In 2008 Sudanese President al-Bashir attended Déby’s re-election inauguration, signaling a warming of relations that would eventually end the Darfur conflict. With al-Bashir still sitting atop huge oil reserves, the Eight Families now cooked up a plan for South Sudan to cecede from Sudan. Reeling from the constant attacks on his people which had left two million dead, al-Bashir was forced into agreeing with the split.

With violence already flaring in Sudanese-controlled and oil-rich South Kordofan, it appears that the SPLA and their Glencore/Rothschild sponsors are not content to have stolen most of Sudan’s oilfields. The vampires want them all.

[1] “South Sudan: The World’s Newest Fragile Oil-Rich Petrostate.” John Daly. 7-11-11

[2] “South Sudan’s Oil Company Forms Joint Venture With Glencore to Sell Oil.” Matt Richmond. 7-12-11.

[3] “South Sudan Establishes Central Bank As It Receives Its New Currency”. BNO News. 7-15-11

[4] “US to Aid Regimes to Oust Government”. David B. Ottaway. Washington Post. 11-10-96

[5] “The World’s Ten Worst Dictators”. Parade Magazine. 3-23-09

[6] “Mercenary Mischief in Zaire”. Jane Hunter. Covert Action Information Bulletin. Spring 1991.

[7] “Sudanese Warplanes Hit Darfur Rebels Inside Chad.” Sudan Tribune. 6-3-09

[8] “Petronas Disputes Chad’s Tax Claims.” Aljazeera. 8-30-06

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(NEWZIMBABWE) Zanu-PF dismisses SA court ruling

Zanu-PF dismisses SA court ruling
This article was written by Our reporter
on 10 May, at 03 : 11 AM

PRESIDENT Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party has dismissed the ruling by a South African court that authorities in that country can probe and prosecute ‘crimes against humanity’ committed in Zimbabwe, or anywhere in the world.

South Africa was obliged to investigate and prosecute international crimes under the Rome Statute and under its own international criminal laws, said North Gauteng Judge Hans Fabricius.

“I hereby hand down a mandatory order, with costs, which obliges the respondents [National Directorate of Public Prosecutions and South African Police Service] to investigate the docket before them.”

The court action was brought by the Southern African Litigation Centre (SALC) and the Zimbabwean Exiles Forum (ZEF).

Zimbabwe’s Justice minister Patrick Chinamasa denounced the court ruling saying it puts the justice system in South Africa into disrepute.

“The ruling brings the South African justice system into disrepute. No specifics have been identified, because they should have laid a blow by blow account of what crime has been committed,” Patrick Chinamasa told state media on Wednesday.

The Tuesday ruling could affect Zimbabwean refugees, many of whom have fled to neighbouring South Africa, and government officials, who also sometimes come on business or personal trips.

South African high court judge Hans Fabricius made the ruling last week.

National Prosecuting Authority spokesman Mthunzi Mhaga said prosecutors will study the ruling and decide what legal steps to take.

Tsvangirai’s party pleased

The case centres on violence that occurred during the aftermath of the 2008 elections.

Zanu-PF and MDC-T admitted joint culpability of that violence in a Memorandum of Understanding signed at the time, forming the basis of the current inclusive Government (see picture above).

The leaders of the three main parties in Zimbabwe agreed to work together to end violence, which they said had been perpetrated by both on the opposition MDC-T party and the then ruling Zanu-PF party.

MDC leader Morgan Tsvangirai who is now the prime minister in the inclusive Government with President Mugabe, and his party hailed the decision, despite admitting in 2008 that their party was also involved in the violence.

“Torture is a barbaric instrument of dealing with issues of politics,” spokesman Nelson Chamisa told the AFP news agency.

“For that reason it remains our wish that all people of Zimbabwe with injured hearts and troubled minds are brought to restorative and rehabilitative, as opposed to retributive, justice.”

South African police and prosecutors refused to investigate in 2008, citing the difficulty and possible political repercussions and saying the law was unclear. In his ruling Tuesday, Fabricius said that refusal was “unlawful,inconsistent with the constitution, and therefore invalid.”

Fabricius’s ruling was the first under 2002 statues spelling out South Africa’s international obligations and risks complicating the country’s role as the main mediator in Zimbabwe’s political crisis.

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(NEWZIMBABWE) Tracy Mutinhiri joins MDC-T

Tracy Mutinhiri joins MDC-T
09/05/2012 00:00:00
by Staff Reporter

THE former Labour and Social Welfare Deputy Minister Tracy Mutinhiri has joined the MDC-T following her expulsion from Zanu PF and later government in September last year. Mutinhiri announced on Wednesday she had joined the MDC-T, citing a “calling to work for my country”.

“Yes it is true that I have now officially joined the MDC-T. People are born with gifts and one of my gifts is a calling to work for my country, and when I was in Zanu PF I was doing it with all my heart and unfortunately they decided to expel me,” Mutinhiri said.

“That calling is still in me and I decided to move on to another progressive party to do my work that I am called to do and that is to work for my country.”

Mutinhiri had her Marondera East parliamentary whip withdrawn following her expulsion on charges, ironically, that she was working with the MDC-T and undermining her party’s programmes.

Tracy, the ex-wife of Brigadier Ambrose Mutinhiri and mother to Big Brother star Vimbai, insists that the expulsion was unwarranted.

“I was in an inclusive government, and I was working as a professional. Working as a professional is to work with everybody and on that point I was misunderstood,” she told the Voice of America’s Studio 7.

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